
Sunburn/sun poisioning?

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I was out at a horse-show today and in the sun from 8am to about 2pm, and I had a tank top on. I haven't been in the sun all summer so I'm incredibly incredibly pale. Well, at the show I nearly passed out and dropped to my feet because I was feeling dizzy and nauseous. So my mom took me home and all day I've been so sore, and physically it hurts to move, my skin is blood red and hot, and I'm freezing cold. Also, I feel like I have little to no energy and I could just fall over and sleep for hours and hours. What do you think this is - just severe sunburn?




  1. Go to the hospital.

  2. I had these same symptoms early this summer..I stayed out in the sun for about 3 hours. Although I didnt go to the doctor I believe I had sun poisoning. I was sick to my stomach, incredibly sleepy and freezing cold. It also KILLED me to move at all. You were in the sun longer than me, so you could be seriously sick. You may want to see a doctor.

    I was really sick for about 3 days. I put aloe all over my skin, but that was hard too because it hurt to even touch my skin. You can get aloe for sunburns in the same isle as sunblock. It does relieve the pain somewhat and the heat.

    I really hope you feel better.

  3. First off, I'm not a doctor so please get medical attention.

    That being said, the sun is strongest between 10am and 2pm.  Seeing that you were out during that time, you got the worst of the sun.  

    Did you drink anything during the time?  the dizziness and nausea might have been caused by dehydration.  A good rule of thumb is at least one cup of water every hour.

    The feelings you are experiencing now are side effects of the sunburn.  They sell aloe creams with a drug that numbs the pain.  I've used this before after a day at the beach and it really does help.  Any aloe will help the skin heal because it adds moisture to the dry skin.  If your burn is really bad, expect the old dead skin to peal as new skin is produced.

    You feel cold beause you literally cooked your skin.  The coldness will go away in a day or two.

    I recommend going to your doctor in a day or two if it doesn't feel better.  While one sunburn won't cause skin cancer, you still want your doctor to look over the burn and make sure it's not more serious.

    Next time you go out, wear sunscreen and remember to reapply it at least every two hours.  More if you are in the water or sweating alot.  That's my weakness.  I'll but it on in the morning, but then be having too much fun playing volleyball with my friends at the beach to reapply.

    Good luck, and feel better.

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