
Sundance Film Festival?

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Doing some research on the Sundance Film Festival and was just wondering if you could tell me everything you know about it. The film requirments? events? people who attend?

i was just wondering the lo down on the SFF.





  1. I actually live in park city, Utah (where the event takes place.) Films usually get other forms of recognition before getting submited. try going on to or .org. Also try looking up sundance on google. The movies that are at sundance are usually interesting or intuitive. The first tickets go to top critics, then to locals (we enter a lottery for first grab at tickets.) Then to everyone else. The town usually is full of free stuff during the event. It usually takes place in park city, but also takes place at a theater in salt lake and at the sundance resort. There are also film makers who stay on the street to get you into a free film. A lot of times they bring locals into movie screenings (you can tell by the way they walk and dress because of the way mountain communities dress and the heavy altitude.)

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