
Sunday school song sung to the tune of 'oh I do like to be beside the seaside' does anyone know the lyrics ?

by  |  earlier

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I think the song starts 'oh I do like to be with Christ my Saviour' but I can't remember any more than that




  1. checkh in yahoo search engine :)

  2. yes you can find the lyrics here:

  3. Everyone delights to spend their summer's holiday

    Down beside the side of the silvery sea

    I'm no exception to the rule

    In fact, if I'd my way

    I'd reside by the side of the silvery sea.

    But when you're just the common or garden Smith or Jones or Brown

    At bus'ness up in town

    You've got to settle down.

    You save up all the money you can till summer comes around

    Then away you go

    To a spot you know

    Where the cockle shells are found.

    Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside

    I do like to be beside the sea!

    I do like to stroll upon the Prom, Prom, Prom!

    Where the brass bands play:


    So just let me be beside the seaside

    I'll be beside myself with glee

    And there's lots of girls beside,

    I should like to be beside

    Beside the seaside!

    Beside the sea!

    (8 bar interlude)

    William Sykes the burglar,

    He'd been out to work one night

    Filled his bag with jewels, cash, and plate.

    Constable Brown felt quite surprised when William hove in sight

    Said he: "The hours you're keeping are far too late."

    So he grabbed him by the collar and lodged him safe and sound in jail

    Next morning looking pale

    Bill told a tearful tale.

    The judge said, "For a couple of months I'm sending you away!"

    Said Bill: "How kind!

    Well! If you don't mind

    Where I spend my holiday!"

    Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside

    I do like to be beside the sea!

    I do like to stroll upon the Prom, Prom, Prom!

    Where the brass bands play:


    So just let me be beside the seaside

    I'll be beside myself with glee

    And there's lots of girls beside,

    I should like to be beside

    Beside the seaside!

    Beside the sea!

    Hope thats the right song.

  4. I am not sure if the sight listed below will help you or not. It is a great sight to go to for songs. It has several songs that mentione other tunes.

    If that sight doesnt have it try going to this online christian store and they might be able to help you.

    I hope one of these sights can help you find the song you wish. Best of luck

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