
Sunderland couple accuse Kate and Gerry Mccann?

by Guest60580  |  earlier

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Funny how this sighting isnt all over the news. What do you make of it? Why do you think only some sightings are in the British press and others are not?




  1. 1.28hours after she disappeared the eyes of the world's press and the Portuguese Police were firmly on the McCanns.

    2.If God forbid you had a body to hide knowing said press and police were a tad interested in your every move,would you be daft enough to get pissed first and then endeavour to hide the body?

    3."The events of the past week or so, with the McCanns being very much in the news, have triggered my memory in relation to the incident."Who are they kidding?The lure of money to be made, more like.

    The police nor Interpol are under any legal obligation to inform the person making a report what conclusion they came to.

    Probably not in the paper because it was definitely ruled out and the press et al knew exactly where the McCanns were at that time.The other sightings are ones that have not been ruled out.

    Paul C:Back off the fence again I see.Why don't you put a revolving gate on it?

    Flanellete:Can I ask you what there is to be gained from the press printing a sighting that has already been investigated and discounted?It clearly wasn't the McCanns as stated so this couple can only be interested in publicity for themselves,especially this late in the day.

  2. Mackems

    Nuff said

  3. There was an Irish family also who saw someone carrying a sleeping  young girl towards the beach.When they saw Tv pictures of Gerry McCann carrying one of the twins off the plane in England they recognised that it was him.  

  4. strange that!!! lol! not really, seems like the mccanns and their protectors can control the national press but not the locals?? sad isn't it? ...oh and paul c ..have you changed your mind again? :)  you sound a bit like an anti!

    edit... paul c ... welcome back!!!!!!! ;) lol!!! i knew you would see it in the end.. x

  5. well they had the van reg so did they trace it I wonder, or is it all a load of tosh

  6. Very interesting. This sighting isn't all over the news because it does not go in line with what the McConn's want the public to see and hear; fortunately it seems not all journalists are cowards and good for them for printing it! Hopefully more will take their impressive lead! Of course the many sightings of Madeleine will go on for ever, anything to distract from the 'Official Police Reports and of course Amaral's book- 'The Truth About The Lies’. Everyone in the world is talking about it and this Country is a laughing stock because of the blatant biased spin in favour of the Mc's.

    Good on the Sunderland Echo for having the guts and hopefully it will spread from word of mouth and thanks for the great link, which I can now pass on

    Edit: I see your logic is lost with the the McFann's, they just don't get it do they. there is ignorance and then just plain stupidity lol

  7. It mass hysteria out there at the moment all these sightings are crazy. I honestly don't know what to make of them anymore, every sighting contradicts the one before, its an absolute mess in my eyes :)

  8. Well it seems in the media controlled world of the child neglecting liars and their sickly spinning spokesman that only the already checked out ones that suggest their poor innocent state make it on the front pages of the spineless and soul selling trash, which we know as the press. Their only wish is to protect their reputations and ridicule any and all truth that dares to out them for the monsters they really are. Thing is we already know and so does the Police in Portugal and UK and the world is scorning them and rightly so,they think they have got away with the perfect cover-up but they will pay for their crime. I see some commenter's are lacking in morals like their hero's

  9. There have been dozens if not hundreds of sightings of Maddie since she went missing and many on here have, possibly rightly, dismissed them all. But when one "sighting" includes Kate and Gerry then the scenario suddenly changes and the antis jump on the band waggon. What a bunch of hypocrites .

  10. I doubt very much that we'll see that splattered across the scums front page tomorrow, as they are so far up the Mc's backsides they're at a point of no return. The screen that has been erected to cover these people looks set to come down and wont there be some red faces then.

  11. Well done to this newspaper for breaking  ranks and printing this article.It's a great pity that the nationals don't do the right thing and print this also.The people of the UK have the right to balanced reporting .We are sick of being fed all the pro McCann propaganda churned out by Clarrie Mitchell. This seems to be the second couple who say they saw Gerry carrying a body...the other man was Mr Smith.. The UK press coverage on this case has been diabolical.,and by now they must be the laughing stock of the world .Why are this pair being protected? Why are they so important ?

    When the h**l will people realise that all these so called "sightings" are utter tosh....Maddy is sadly long dead.

  12. i dont no what to make of the whole situation,,,,

    kate , gerry / the holiday friends / port police / press / british police /

    the list goes on an on.......  now there are sightings all over the world ..

    this little girl is missing what more is there to say,,, for godsake if i thought i saw her i would go straight over to the little girl and ask her if she was maddie,,, what the heck is wrong with people reporting it hours later ... what good is that , so come ,if  we think its maddie  in the shop / road , do something go over ask if she is MADDIE

  13. well that's one sighting that just may be true

    Why was this not picked up by the British press at the time

    Oh of course, the media were scared of the top lawyers, all paid for out of the Find Maddy fund

    I have said it before and I'll say it again, it should have been called the

    "Get us off the hook fund"


    Izo, I certainly have after reading more of the files, had to hand them back today, after making up reasons why i couldn't get to my mates house before today lol

    *Edit 2*


    You really make me laugh sometimes, anything For the Mc's you jump on

    So who is the hypocrite

    Please don't take that to heart I respect your opinion

  14. Maybe because it clearly states it was checked out and it proved to be a Hungarian couple?    

    I think it's quite obvious that if the police had seriously thought it was the MCcanns, they would have used the evidence against them. -

    I don't understand the point of your question - it only confuses the situation even more and encourages speculation.

    Edit:  Well,if you want to believe in a conspiracy theory ...

    The British press won't say anything without proof because they know the mccanns will sue.  If the Portuguese police couldn't hang this on them - and we all know how hard they tried - then the probability is that the mcCanns are totally innocent.

  15. One thing bugs me about this. Where would the McCanns get a white transit van in the middle of the night in Luz?  

  16. Also a big mystery why the press (led by Clarence Mitchell as usual) gave very little publicity to the sighting by Irishman Martin Smith.

    He told police he saw a man he was sure was GERRY McCANN carrying Madeleine towards the beach on the night she went missing.

    Instead of these sightings, we get rubbish about "swarthy Moroccans" and other strange foreigners seen with Madeleine in Brazil, Belgium etc.

    WHY not the McCann sightings??

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