
Sundin has finally decided to stay with the Leafs.....?

by  |  earlier

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.......with a SUBSTANTIAL pay cut for the rest of his career. The only sticking point is that he wants a hooker, paid for by the team, for every day on the road and one for after everyother home game. As the Leafs GM...what do you do?




  1. why not?

  2. If his "companionship" doesn't count against the salary cap; then the teachers will have to drink Dom Perignon instead of Cristal next season.

  3. Sounds good to me, I would even take a pay cut on my hourly rate, lol.  

    Oh, so I am the GM....lmao, I thought I was the hussy.  Sundin has done a lot for the Leafs, isn't about time the Leafs give back...even if it is a quick hummer in the backseat of a Hummer.

  4. That shouldn't be a problem till he comes to Philly and he wants a "Hot Hooker".Tougher to find here then nice people.

  5. Make sure to give him Sean Avery's madame's number while you're at it. She will be more than happy to hook him up.

    Yes Scott, Avery's cell has a direct line to Hugh Heffner's bedroom.

  6. Lol the Leafs are owned by the Teacher's Union aren't they?  You think the ownership would allow some kind of deal like this to be passed.  Imagine if it leaked to the press.  Canadian Educational System Supports Prostitution!

    But as the GM if you can hide it I'd do anything in my power to keep Mats around even if it means he wants a midget hooker dressed in a mini version of the opposing teams goaltending uniform before every game.  Motivation through viualization.

    Habs fan: Did Avery really have a high-price prostitute?  Was he part of the now infamous Emperor's Club VIP. Perhaps he was client #16.

  7. lol im sure this wuld never go public but u never know.... even S****y players get hookers after the games, id imagine sundin wuld do getting them too

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