
Sunni Muslims, What are your views on Imam Mehdi?

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do you believe that The Mehdi will be a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh&hf) of the line of Fatima(as)?




  1. As sunni, we do believe that Mahdi will come, he will reuint the ummah!!

  2. Sunni and shia believe in Al-Mahdi (3), we just differ on is he still alive, or will he be born.

  3. i am a sunni muslim alhumdilillah.

    and all i know is i love all of my muslim brothers and sister, and i have no problem with them being shia, or whatever.

    thats my view on imam mehdi.

  4. As for the limit of my knowledge, Sunnis also believe and wait for Imam Mehdi(af) to come and save us!'

  5. Rehan im a shia but sunnis do accept Imam Mahdi as being the descendant of Hazrat Fatima (sa). Indeed The Savior has yet to come! Ask yourselves, what have you done for Him? What if he comes today, tomorrow or the next second? What have we done and how will we face Him with all our sins on our shoulders?

  6. He is non-existing, I also believe the Quran is complete.

  7. Imam Mahdi has appeared in personage of Hadhrat Ahamd (as) 120 years ago. His Khilafat is continued after him and curently his 5th successor is continuing his mission.

    When Prophet Muhammad said 'my family' it doesnt necessarily mean blood line, it simply means he (the Mahdi) belonged to Prophet Muhammad (spiritual son).

    In another tradition Hadhrat Muhammad (SAW) has said that a man or men from the lineage of Salman Farsi (ra) will establish Iman on earth in the latter days even if it has gone to pleadis (a far far star).

    For more information you may visit

    Wa Billahitaufeeq wa Hidaya, assalamoalaikum

  8. True, but I don't think we believe he is the hidden Imam. Rather a decendent.

    I will do some more research and try t get back to you.

    EDIT: Yeah, FTL has the right answer. Sunnis believe that he is coming also and will be a decendent of Prophet(saw). However Sunnis disagree with 12er Shites that he is the '12th hidden imam'.

    Hope that helped.

  9. He will indeed be a descendant of the Prophet (S) and will one day come during the last days to reunite this Ummah.  

  10. Sunni Muslims have an interesting problem because their hadiths say that the Mahdi will arise in Kharasan, I think it is called. Anyway the Shia part of Afghanistan.

  11. Imam mehdi will come before Isa (Jesus A.S)

    He will be the imam of Muslims, he won't claim to be a Prophet.

  12. second comming of Jesus

    jewish saviour

    and now muslims believe in this to match christians and jews,,

    all these beliefs are OUTSIDE scripture man made belief not authorized by Glorious Quran

  13. I honestly don't know, he probably won't be related to either, but who knows?

  14. So he's an Ahle-Bayt, also known as a 'syed' 'bukhari' or anyone from the Prophet's direct descendants

    People chart down who's a descendant of the Prophet you know. In Pakistan, we call those descendants 'syed' and it's not allowed (socially, not religiously) for a Syed to marry a non Syed.

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