
Sunni Muslims: if there was an electoral vote for a new caliph, who would you vote for

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(Not many for Osama BL or Zaymen Al-Wahiri, I hope)




  1. no1

  2. A Khalifa has already been elected and chosen by Allah.

    His name is Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba)

    love for all, hatred for none

  3. Hassan Nasrallah

    yeah, i know, he's a shia, but he's the best Muslim leader today. I'd definitly vote for him

  4. I don't trust anyone in politics .

  5. Get over yourselves.. you will never have a Caliphate.

    The Muslims will crawl on their bellies and eat the dust of the Earth until the end of time...the closest thing to a Caliphate was destroyed in 1258 by the Mongols who sacked Baghdad.

    Bless those Asiatic invaders.

  6. R u in the H.T( Hizb At Tahrir) group?They r askin 2 bring in Khilafa system.  

  7. Anyone who proves he can give the rule of "OMAR(RA)"

  8. For the one to be deservant of such place, it would take more than a vote. Besides Islam is not based on voting.

  9. no one is suitable...

    maybe baba Ali,but i don't know about the political side,if he's capabale of doing it.

  10. i wouldent vote

  11. Mahateer Mohammad From Malaysia !

  12. I dont know, the most appropriate person for the position,

  13. G. W BUSH

  14. Hassan Nasrallah.

  15. 1. This is impossible.

    2. I wouldn't vote.

    3. If I had to I would definitely vote fro sayed Hassan Nasrallah as he is the best Muslim leader today. Besides he is a Lebanese shia:)

  16. Not any of the scholars or people I know... Wait a minute, how do we know if we really know someone? I wouldn't vote for anyone...

  17. Baba Ali.

  18. I am just muslim not Shia not Sunni.... but closer to Shiaism in some ways...

    among the Sunni leaders I love the current Malaysian leader... (forgot his name but his influential)

  19. you are probably not a muslim yourself and you dont know but let me explain you... for us muslim

    imam or caliph are not important they dont decide of our life or anything only the QUORAN does and the sunna as well ...

    so the leader of the mosque just decide of which lecture is going to give on friday ... that is it...

    sunni are not shia

    shia do really care and worship their imams... but they are not muslim anyway because the QURAN never told us to do such things...

  20. I don't see anyone who can lead the Ummah and not love power too much at the same time.

    Sorry, it's my opinion that none are leaders yet.

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