
Sunnis and wahabies please answer ?

by  |  earlier

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1=Point out Assalaatu minan nawm to us from the Qur'an if not then at least from an authentic hadeeth.

2=Prove that these words had been used as part of the Adhan during Abu Bakr's period.

3=Prove to us that the prayers of taraweeh had been said in congregation during the time of the holy Prophet[saww] and during the period of Abu Bakr

Thanks in Advance




  1. 1) Validity of these 3 words in the Fajr Adhan is due to Ijma' of Sahabah.

    2) They were not.

    3) Taraweeh was not prayed in one congregation, rather in several smaller Jamaats, or individually, but upon Ijma' of Sahabah, it was decided that there would be one Jamaat for Salatul Taraweeh.  

  2. we all one muslim.

  3. Umer started this;...

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