
Sunnis: how many rakat salats r there in every prayer?

by  |  earlier

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like for each of the 5 prayers, how many Rakahs do u do?

And the sunnahs, do u do them in sets of 2 or 4?

Be specific and clear.

Does saying bad words break your fast? What f u dont know f they do or not? Give examples of Quran or Hadith.

When doing wudu, do u clean your face then do khilal of beard or what?

b clear in your answers, bye




  1. Fajr (Dawn) prayer, 2 Rakk'a

    Zuhr (noon) prayer, 4 Rakk'a

    Asr (afternoon) prayer, 4 Rakk'a

    Maghrib (sunset) prayer, 3 Rakk'a

    'isha (evening/night) prayer, 4 Rakk'a

    If you want to do sunnah which is recommended then do

    2 before Fajr, 2 after Zuhr, none for Asr, 2 after amghrib, 2 after Isha and 3 final prayer (called witr) but you can do 5 or 7 rakk'a if you want but it has to be odd number. It can be done altogether or in 2s and 1 final.

    Saying bad words doesn't break your fast per se but it diminishes its value. If you don't know something is bad when you did it then you are not held accountable when this thing is between you and God but if you hurt someone then you need to ask that they forgive you.

  2. ask a sunni,to give "authentic" hadith,in which number of Rakahs in Eery Salat is written.

    5:6] O you who believe, when you observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), you shall: (1) wash your faces, (2) wash your arms to the elbows, (3) wipe your heads, and (4) wash your feet to the ankles. If you were unclean due to sexual o****m, you shall bathe. If you are ill, or traveling, or had any digestive excretion (urinary, fecal, or gas), or had (sexual) contact with the women, and you cannot find water, you shall observe the dry ablution (Tayammum) by touching clean dry soil, then rubbing your faces and hands. GOD does not wish to make the religion difficult for you; He wishes to cleanse you and to perfect His blessing upon you, that you may be appreciative.

  3. For the first prayer (Subh/Fajir) there are 2 rakahs.

    Second (Thuhr): 4

    Third (Asr): 4

    Forth (Maghrib): 3

    Fifth (Isha): 4

    The sunnahs are done in sets of 2.

    I am not sure about whether saying bad words breaks your fast or not, but even if you say a bad word that doesn't mean that you can eat now! But what I know for sure is that when you fast you don't just fast with your mouth by stopping eating and drinking. You fast with all your "jawareh", your eyes, your ears, your tongue, your hands. So you don't look at haram, you don't listen to haram, you don't say any haram things (like backbiting), etc.

    Im not sure about the order in wudu here, but what I know for sure is that washing the face is mandatory (fard), but khilal of beard is optional (sunnah).

    Hope that helps  

  4. Morning prayer Fajr-2  Rakahs

    Noon-Dhuhr 4- Rakahs

    Evening-Asr 4- Rakahs

    Late evening- Maghrib 3 Rakahs

    Night prayer before bed-4 Rakahs

    ur other questions Im not sure sorry  

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