
Super Bowl Game: New England Patriots stand greater chance to claim the crown – NFL News

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Super Bowl Game: New England Patriots stand greater chance to claim the crown – NFL News
The New England Patriots are aiming to win the Super Bowl game against the New York Giants in the Indianapolis on Sunday, February 05, 2012, to revenge their loss of the crown to their opponents in 2007 National Football League (NFL) season.
Despite that at this point of time, the game is wide open for both sides, and they have expressed their respective desires to make it their day on the weekend; the New England Patriots stand greater chances of scripting a new winning chapter in their Super
Bowl history with possibly pulling off a victory in the mega event for fourth time.
The team is most likely to bet on their same old horse, Tom Brady, who has come to their help at many testing times. His part will be crucial in their win on Sunday. The player has already spoken high of his ambitions of giving more than hundred per cent
against the Giants.
"All the games you lose, there are plays that you want back," he said. "Certainly, every time you lose, you think there is more that you could have done to help the team win. But when you win, you don't think about any of those things. You think about what
you do well."
Despite that the Giants are one up against their opponents; the New England Patriots have rich experience of playing Super Bowl, of more than one time. Their last loss to the Giants was more of an upset, which surprised many besides the Patriots themselves.
The Patriots whose offence ranks among the best on the league will be a key to their chances for win on the weekend, and since the Giants are projected to rely most on their defence, they will definitely go after them more frequently and aggressively.
It was one of the unlucky days for Tom Brady to have not come up with an impressive showoff in their American Football Conference (AFC) champion against the Baltimore Ravens; this no way can lead to the chances of his failing once again.
His opposition, the New York Giants, especially their defence line has revealed to be wary of Brady’s competitive game skills and authoritative outlook and have apparently chalked out plans to block him.
"I think it starts with hitting him, even when you don't actually get sacks, just keeping people around him so he can't step up," Giants’ tight end Justin Tuck said of Brady.   
All the pre-game indicators reflect on the Giants focus on blocking Brady at all costs. This might take away their focus from their own attack line, led by their quarterback, Eli Manning. Again, Giants’ going too much defensive might provide the New England
Patriots enough opportunities to score the points in between.
The example of the Baltimore Ravens, who have traditionally relied on their defensive approach, has proven that all games cannot be won by playing defensive. Attacking the defence lines of opponents is must for securing wins in the high-pitched games, which
are played in more competitive and pressure driven environment.
It is expected to be a low-scoring game and if the Patriots are able to take the lead of three to seven points at the end that would be enough for them to defend the game, as the Giants offence attack is not as good as their. There are chances that they
are able to hold back Eli until very end of the game.
So, it all looks that the Patriots will claim the crown another time in the Super Bowl history.
You can view live coverage and analysis of the Super Bowl XLVI by on Sunday,
11:00pm, GMT



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