
Super Bowl Predictions any1

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  1. I would say Cowboys and Chargers but judging from last season nothing will shock me****

  2. I think we'll have a back 2 back champ this year... much to the chagrin of pats fans and everyone still downplaying NYG's championship run as a fluke.

  3. Here we go Steelers, here we go!!

  4. Go GIANTS!!!!!!!!!

  5. NEW ENGLAND  ALL THE WAY.. (this year))  

  6. both suck at foot ball they will forfit

  7. Right now I'd say Chargers vs. Cowboys, but it's too early to tell.

  8. I think the Chicago Bears will win it all.

  9. giants

    I like the Chargers in the AFC though

  10. PITTSBURGH STEELERS!!!!!!!!! Even though they haven't started the season yet

  11. Dolphins-Falcons

  12. Panthers. WOOOO smith will be back and ready to break some more teams

  13. I want the eagles too but pats might win it or get to it at least.

  14. Let's go Giants, LET'S GO!

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