
Super Christians?

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Just out of curiosity, what is the deal with the hardcore super-christians? This isn't limited to the United States, but it seems like the US is the worst country for this. Why is it that everyone is SO concerned with morality...but not necessarily their own? I mean, why go around bashing everyone else's religion or degree of "religiousness" when everyone else's salvation has nothing to do with your own? I mean, who really cares if little Timmy down the street isn't as religious as you are? I'm sure some of the super-christians will say that it's their duty to tell everyone about the word of god, but i'm pretty sure that the way that some of them go about it, jesus is up there saying, "that's not what i meant..."




  1. I'm not sure exactly what you mean when you say "super-Christians", but as one myself I can tell you that it's our duty to tell the world about Jesus and God Almighty. This might sound like real cheesy to you, and no, not every single person will believe this religion in particular the right one, but that doesn't make it wrong to talk and witness about it. We try to save as many people as possible, and do this by telling them about the Lord and witnessing to them.

    Hope it helps

  2. Have u seen the trading spouses episode w/the evil super-Christian??? Well, most Christians are NOT like that...but alot of the religious people that say "believe in our God or perish" are Mormins'. Not to be judgemental, but if you have a little bit of a diffrent interests, you are out!!!  Well, that's from my experiance, anyways...  : )  TTFN!!

  3. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that when the Puritans left Europe they all came here?

  4. their so annoying

  5. SOMEBODY has to spread the word.

    obviosuly ur not doing it,so they do.

  6. It is a Christian "duty" to help others understand Christ, but I agree with you, If someone doesn't want to accept Jesus, then that's his thing to deal with. And you should leave him alone.  With that said though, I find it interesting that people complain about Christians asking you to accept God but there's not much complaining about the Democratic or Republican party calling / mailing you to side with them.  I personally, and this is just me speaking, think that speaks alot about where our ideals and morals stand.  We seem to be more wrapped up in what's going to happen now, and not so mush later.  This  is why I think alot of Christians are "pushing" you to think about Christ

  7. I think it lies in the culture of privy information. Those who have the "key" to knowledge are privlidged. This can create a sense of euphoria so it translates to "sharing it with others." Let's face it though...has anyone gotten irritated when Timmy got a new toy and was flaunting it around to everyone? How many times have we been like "and?" Let everyone believe what they want. I like how the Jewish faith works. There aren't missionaries, and its hard enter the domain unless born into.

  8. It's because these people are idiots who don't understand how to show others some freaking civility.

    Instead of putting their energy into real world issues which need addressing, (such as taking care of "God's" planet and creatures!!) they become religious fanatics who impose their beliefs on others...

    The other day I encountered one (a born again), who was a complete nut; a very loud buffoon, and I truly hope for his sake that he had some kind of brains under all that stupidity.

    They're a drain on society and I'm sick of them.
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