
Super abundant cm why?

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ever since o day i have had soooo much cm that even pantyliners aren't enough for about two or three days after o it decreased slightly and then picked right back up to the point where its really bothersome. i know there is no infection because there is no itching burning or yellowness its just white and ALOT last month i had a miscarriage could this have anything to do with it and if not what do think its all about




  1. your best bet is to mention it to your doctor good luck

  2. First off I am so sorry for your loss - I also miscarried a month ago. From my own personal experience, when I was still pregnant I had TONS of CM just like you are describing. I am only 3 DPO so I haven't noticed a ton of CM myself however I just remember being pregnant and having to wear a pantyliner. I also remember reading that lots of CM during pregnancy is normal. Are you charting your BBT? If so are your temps have? You probably can't test for another 4 days or so but if you are charting and your temps have remained high since ovulation there's a good chance you're pregnant! Good luck and I hope the best for you. I've been there so I know exactly how hard it is to lose a baby.
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