
Super human disease?

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I just read about a condition called "Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy". Apparently, Myostatin is a protein that breaks down muscles. When a person has a deficiency in Myostatin production, they exhibit a ridiculous amount of strength and muscle mass, up to 40% more than a normal human being. One example is 19 month-old Liam Hoekstra, who has thigh muscles reminiscent of Lance Armstrong, and performed his first iron cross at 5 months. What i'm wondering is if this condition makes person super strong, would it be so far-fetched to think that historical figures such as Hercules and Sampson had this genetic mutation? Surely anyone with super strength in that time period would have become legendary?




  1. never heard of that.

    but now that i have thats a good question.

    it is highly possible

  2. what excactly is the question?

    this is what hercules have to look like if he had the mutation
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