
Super important .... babies?

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so is miscarriage passed down from ur family... mi mom never had any but her mom and 3 of her sisters did ........ so is it a high chance for me to have one....please help and how far along do i have to be to pretty much be in the clear for miscarriage ... i think its 3 months idk




  1. Once you are 12 weeks yep 3 months you are in the clear I am pretty sure

  2. you are never really in the clear. my sister had a miscarrage at 6 months. it is very uncommon but it does happen. my mom has also had 2 miscarrages so it is very likely that it runs in immediate familys only.

  3. the most common stages for miscarrage is till about 12-13 weeks, u can still have one after that but its less common. i wouldnt worry about it though. my mom had LOTS of problems with pregnancy and had a few miscarrages as well, and ive never had too many issues, so i dont really think its something that u inherrit

  4. No, it doesn't pass in the family unless it is a uterus problem.  My grandmonther had 14 miscarriages.  My mom has had 2.  My sister has had one.  I'm pregnant now and so far, so good.  It could be chromosomal problems.  

    Yes, 3 months, or 12 weeks, the risk of miscarriage significantly reduces itself.

  5. your never really in the clear but the chance of having a miscarriage after 3 months goes down by 85% i heard miscarriages run in the immediate family (like your moter and father) but don't stress because i did and i had dreams about it and i was very high strung. just take care of yourself and go to your doctors appointments and you should be fine

  6. Miscarriages are not hereditary. Miscarriages can happen anytime in your pregnancy. Its very important that if you are worried about miscarrying that you stay away from caffeine and listen to your body. If you need to lie down, lie down, eat every 3 hours (small) and drink at least 8 if not 12 glasses of water.

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