
Super scared of planes and terrorism leaving in 2 days PLEASE TELL ME IS WILL ME OKAY!?

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like i keep getting all these signs I THINK!

like this special ed person my mom is working with said that my mom is never going to come back and i keep thinking of 9/11 and all these thoughts are just racing through my head and i'm freaking out and this is on land..i can't imagine how it will be in the air and even you telling that there's like one in a million chance of anything happening i still won't feel better becuase like what if i'm that one!!!!!!!!! just tell me something that will make me feel better!! also i keep thinking about calling home from the plane and telling my family that we are about to crash and that my brother is going to have to live without his mom!! and i just can't stand it

oh yeah me and my mom are the ones going to paris and i'm really exited to go but i can't take this anymore!!

just tell me something to help me get over this!!!!!!!




  1. everything wil be fine. since 9/11 we have gotten safer not in more danger.  we now know the signs and have strict security and guidelines.  if you still dont feel uncomfortable talk to a trusted adault to help you.   don't worry its not like tc makes it out to be.

  2. You will be fine! They are really good at checking bags and stuff so no one has weapons on the plane. Dont worry.

  3. this may seem like something someone told you before but you'll be fine. i was freaking out before i went on the plane to go on a vacation a week in advance everynight i would be freaked out about going on the plane thinking all the what ifs and how some many bad things could happen. but once i got on the plane i was fine and my plane ride went sooo smooth! now i love the plane. beleive you'll be okay


  5. You will have a safe and a happy  journey.

  6. Trust me, when the terrorists strike majorly again it's going to be something way worse than planes flying into buildings. They have to up the ante

  7. Okie listen you will be fine I swear ive been flying in a planes for 13 yrs and we own an aviation buisness the security now a days is really high and no one will slip though Im sure about that. Also air planes that crash are not as rare and they are still un common with new technology and new designs it gets less likely ever day. So good luck stay safe and I hope you have fun.

  8. dont get freak out or look around too much then they(police) will take you away for question.

  9. Your flight will be fine.  Here's a little tip: just about everyone on a plane has that sense of anxiety that you do and, at one time, it was probably more intense than it is now (though I doubt any similar to the intensity you're displaying).  It's not like a plane hits a little turbulence and everyone doesn't have that feeling in the back of their head, that what-if.  But faith in the final result is what keeps that feeling at bay and it looks like that's what you need.  Think of Paris!  You're going to have a great time!

    And, h**l, if you're that freaked about it, you could always get some pills to pop for the ride :)

  10. Your going to be just fine. Don't worry about it. It's very safe. Have you every flow before. Well if you have you'll see how much more security there is than in the past. The planes are safe and the pilots are very qualified. The odds of you getting hit by lightning or being hit by a train is greater than being in a plane crash. It's a long flight so try and take a nap and sleep through it. Have fun !


    just relax, you have more chance of spontaniously combusting.

  12. You are more likley to be attacked by a shark than crash and you are more likely to be struck by lightning than be attacked by a shark so you'll be fine.

  13. its been like almost 8 years

    and there hasnt been any terrorist attempts

    so dont even sweat it

    everythings going to be fine

  14. i am only 13 and have been flying by myself since i was 11 i go back and forth from texas to cali!!!! and the air is safer than the road!!! hope this helps

  15. you'll be fine nothing has happend in a while, plus flying airplaines is safer than driving cars... BUT DONT BE SCARED OF CARS

  16. It is very and i mean very unlikely for the plane to be hijacked especially with those restrictions, and also extremely unlikely for an accident because these pilots are trained to handle these kinds of situations

  17. you will be okay. just take ur bible and ur ipod with you.

  18. i was like that my first plain ride. getting over the fear of riding on a plain is, so to say, a right of passage. your not going to crash, its really not as dangerous as you make it out be, but you will still be afraid. you just need to hang in there and when you land you will be thinking why was i even worried in the first place. like i said, i have been through it too, a lot of people have. its a right of passage

  19. Yah you'll be ok. n_n

  20. I fly all the time and never have issues. You will be fine

  21. i'm on a plane at least once a month and i'm still here :]

    think about some of this:

    -if the terrorists are after america..why would the choose your plane? your leaving the country, not going to a major target that the terrorists are going after.

    -just be positive, think happy thoughts, and you should be fine. Bring something along that is good at distracting least you're not going by yourself :]

  22. You shouldnt freak yourself out like that flying shouldnt be an issue a plane doesnt crash very often and even if it were an issue theres nothing you can do everything happens for a reason, its destiny.

  23. everything should be okay do you know the chance of dieing in a plane crash below 5% easily

  24. you will be okay. on planes it is very and i mean very high security. there are even cops on the planes. the people check the bags and open them ( open them and search through them.)

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