
Superhero Story IDEAS! for my super hero story its for school and i need mager help! PLEASE!?

by Guest61818  |  earlier

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Ok im doing a superhero story for school and i need help! I have already wrote about 5 pages on the story and i need help getting to the superhero is a16 year old girl who just found out that she has powers she got her powers from a radio active liquid that fell on her shes in a seceret scienctific lab and they are doing tests on her.the bad guy is a marshmellow i no its stupid but i like it when he was a kid radio active liquid fell on him as well and im thinking that the bad guy (marshmellow man)can be sitting in her room at the lab when shes sleeping at night and hes sitting in the corner he could wake her up by him making a clicking sound (i no its stupid thats why i need help)and like they fight from there.but i donno can anyone give me NEW ideas like for a complety different idea for when marhmellow man comes out and fights cause summer (the girl in the lab been tested) deosent no him HELP! and also can anyone give me a list of good descibing words for action or wateva




  1. Well it is a typical man vs. man superhero dilemna.  I would build some type of conflict between the two...something they both have a vested interest in.  This means something like destroying something and saving something (maybe a smores factory LOL).  It isn't stupid.  Sounds funny, and like a good laugh when someone reads it.  Stories don't have to be serious...have fun with it. :)

  2. I agree - the idea is not stupid, it's funny.  That's a good thing.  We all need a chuckle!

    One thing I would say - when you figure out the problem, you'll probably want to go back and revise some of the first 5 pages to lead into it, or foreshadow it.  It really might be a good idea for you to do a quick outline of the setting/characters, general plot, and resolution - that way, your story will flow easily.

    What does the marshmallow man want?  What is his secret ambition?  Why does he have Summer in the lab - what does he hope to gain that only she can do?  Is he looking to start a hybrid army to take over the world, or can she cure some super-secret ailment that he has?

    Who will her ally be?  Maybe a shy but lovable janitor/go-fer boy in the lab?  How could a friendship start?  How will they stop Marshmallow Man from his plans?  (World domination, building an army, using whatever her ability is to enslave the non-superhero population?)

    What I would suggest is that you just brainstorm out some possibilities and see where it leads you.  It sounds like you have a great story going!

    For descriptive words, I'd suggest - just put in any old word you can think of, and it will give you some great descriptive words as synonyms.

    Hope that helps, and good luck with the story!  Don't be afraid to go back and revise if you think of something really great, or to go back and add stuff in.  Part of the fun of writing is seeing where it takes you :)

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