
Superhero Strength Rankings.?

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Please rank the following superheros by overall power, in your personal opinion. If you don't know who the hero is, go ahead and put him or her last (or give them the rank of N/A). Feel free to explain why you feel these rankings are reasonable (this question is meant to resolve a geeky superhero debate a bunch of my friends and I are having).

Here are the heroes to be ranked, in no particular order:



Green Lantern (any incarnation you like, except Parallax)

Wonder Woman



J'onn J'onnz






Captain America





Mr. Fantastic

... thank you! Feel free to include other characters if you feel I've missed a really important one.




  1. I'm doing this in terms of strength, not power. There is a difference.

    Strongest to Weakest:


    Thor and Hulk (their strength level is so close it doesn't make sense to separate them)


    The Martian Manhunter


    Wolverine (barely)

    None of the others have any degree of super-strength, although many of them have some useful powers, that there really isn't much point in trying to rate their strength levels, although Captain America has "peak human strength" meaning he is as strong as it is possible for someone to be who has no degree of super-strength. Batman probably comes close to Captain America, so if you want the two strongest of those with no degree of super-strength you could add, in order, Captain America and Batman.

  2. Hmm, interesting question...Hard thing to categorize really though, but I'll try.

    Thor- Dude is a god, so I'll assume he's the strongest of the bunch.

    Superman- I mean come on, he's Superman, the guy has moved a whole planet. I would've put him first, but I think he's not god status...for now.

    Hulk- Depends on his anger, but I'd put him somewhere around here I suppose.

    J'onn J'onnz- Not positive since it's never been proven, but he's generally shown as strong so...

    Wonder Woman- Another case of never proven, but she also draws her powers from a god, and she's fought Superman hand to hand so...Actually, she might even be a bit higher...

    Wolverine- Adamantium bones or not he's still strong as h**l.

    The Thing- Since Mr. Fantastic is list, I figured why not. Thing seems pretty strong, although I don't think he could take Logan.

    Captain America- Not really sure we he should be, but seeing as how he is enhanced an all. Not to mention how strong he's shown in the comics I could see him here...

    Spiderman- Yeah, Spidey's definitely up there. I also read this book saying unlike most his strength is still growing as well.

    Hawkgirl- Shayera, the incarnation I'm using, seems to be pretty strong in most of her time on JLU. So, I'm generally assuming the one, not Shayera, currently in JSA is just as strong.

    Mr. Fantastic- Hmm, around here it starts getting a bit ambiguous, but I'd say Mr. Fantastic, just being made of plastic stands out.

    Batman- Bats is a really well trained athlete, and I know he has a special suit, but he once got hit by Darkseid. Even with like 20 layers of kelvar, that takes muscle.

    Flash- Not really sure where Flash stands around here, but I'm sure him running gives leg strength. Also, I doubt his hits are powerless, though it wouldn't matter with the speed... But, I think a guy who can do like 1000 push ups before we can blink should be here.

    Cyclops- Another Batman like case. He's an X-men, and they're athletes so I'm sure he's pretty well trained.

    Gambit- See above. Also, just to add, Gambit seems a bit weaker than Scott, maybe cause they draw him lankier?

    Storm- Not chauvinistic or anything, but I don't see storm needing strength. Same as GL. What would be the point of Ororo being overly strong? With that being said, she's an athlete as well, so I'd have to put her here.

    Green Lantern- Not sure if you're including his strength while using the ring or not, but I'd say GL's pretty weak in terms of strength. I'm sure he works out, but does he really need it if he has the ring? Although, Guy did sock Batman....

  3. 1. Wonder Woman

    2. Batman

    3. Spiderman

    4. Superman

    5. The Hulk

    6. The Flash

    7. Wolverine

    8. Green Lanturn

    9. Storm

    10. Aquaman

    11. Mr Fantastic

    The others sound familiar but I don't know them enough to rank them.

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