
Superintelligence: Singularity and the Approach to Superhuman (Human 2.0)?

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According to 'scientists' on future technology, the concept of singularity merges a man and machine which classifies the new entity known as Superhuman or Human 2.0. This impeccable, almost-omniscient entity possesses exceedingly far superior intelligence than man himself called superintelligence. Who's to say it couldn't be classified as a new species?

Anyways, sounds too sci-fi which succeeds Isaac Asimov's best selling novel I, Robot or perhaps even Stephen Spielberg's film AI: Artifical Intelligence.

First, man would never allow such an aberration, or would we? It defies the very principles our humanity and morals are founded on. Not only inhumane, but we have an obligation and a social responsibility to disallow such technological feats to protect our very own species from becoming extinct. This new entity could never coexist with humans in a future dystopia. Instead, the new machine would conquer our world and overthrow man as Isaac Asimov likes to imagine.





  1. if you think of the fact that almost all SF novels in the beginning of the XXth century have become true (man walked on the Moon, computer was invented, etc.), I'd say don't keep your fingers crossed too much! in a few decades maybe Asimov will be old news!

  2. The future is upon us.  And, it's approaching exponentially.

  3. I think the replacement of humans will start by "repairing" humans with synthetic parts. As technology advances, more and more of the human will be synthesized. The remaining obstacle will be to scan the human brain and transfer the state of every neuron and synapse to an artificial brain, which will be a computer much more advanced than anything we have today. At that point people will be standing in line, people near death who want their mind to survive. Therefore, the elimination of the human race may be the result of people jumping at the chance to get rid of their frail, temporary bodies with something stronger and more permanent. And when enough minds have been transferred into robotic form, the remaining humans will be no obstacle. But, of course, a giant asteroid or some other great catastrophe could destroy humans before technology advances that far.

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