
Superior court vs. small claims court?

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An uninsured drunk driver smashed my car and my insurance won't cover it. People say to sue him for the market value of the vehicle- $4,000. In this county in Washington state, we have both superior court and small claims. Which do I choose?




  1. Call the court or look on line for the $$$ limit.  Last time I looked small claims was limited to $2500.00.

  2. Go with small claims.  In small claims court you do not have to hire a lawyer.

    In superior court, you have to hire an atty and they will take most of your money.

  3. Go with small claims.

    BUT, also read up on them and visit a small claims court to see how the trials go. You really have to be prepared.

  4. Small Claims.  The limit in Washington State is $4k.  If you filed in Superior, it is very likely it would be remanded to small claims anyway.   Go to the courthouse and file the complaint.  A court hearing date will be scheduled and he will be served.  

    Make sure you show up with all your supporting documents.

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