
Supermarkets price war till Sunday: will it beat 'credit crunch'? Learnt to spend only what cash ya have yet??

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Stores price war amid credit crunch

Press Assoc. - 1 hour 47 minutes ago

A supermarket price war has been declared with high street stores cutting the cost of groceries.

Both Asda and Tesco have taken out a series of adverts in the national press promising lower prices in a bid to outflank their rivals.

The price war began with Asda unveiling a range of goods including sausages and bananas for sale over the weekend at 50p in a bid to beat the economic downturn.

A spokesman for the supermarket said its budget brands were increasing in popularity.

He said: "Times are getting tough and people are feeling the pinch so we have reduced the price of these ten staple items over the weekend.

It is going back to the basics like bread, eggs and butter and fruit and veg as well."

The price cuts are in effect until Sunday. - see 'Have your say'

& have it

Tell us too, OK?

My mum & dad were born '04 & '06 - they knew The Depression: do U?




  1. We don't have lots of savings....but we do have lots of paid for property, though if everyone is feeling the pain, I don't know how much that would help us.

    But we are planning a great holiday through Asia in April, so I would have to say, we are spending what we have.

    I do believe things are going to get worse, and it is good some people are being vocal about it, but it is never going to be as cheap to travel again.

    Fuel is running out....

  2. Sales on perishable food stuff are idiotic and do not benefit the consumer.  There is no point in buying bannas half price today if the same price is not available next week.

    Consistent competitve pricing is required.

  3. i work in retail at a head office and I look at the prices every day.  the so called big boys of UK supermarketing it just the start of a big bun fight that will steal trade from the discounters and smaller shops.  be a savvy shopper shop aroudn for tthe deals and cheapest prices.  if you really want to cut your grocery bill each week then don't always go for hte branded line the own labels are just as good.  even some of the COD (cheapest on display, value, basics, economy etc) lines are great value for money and all have high specs to them. in all honesty the big boys are worried about losing out to the discounters such as Aldi and lidl.

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