Let me start by saying I grew up in a haunted house. The road in front of my parents house has been a place for many tragic wrecks, and on the land was once a road for the civil war soldiers going to Shiloh. We have found buttons from the uniforms and bullets belonging to the Union. Lately my 2 1/2 year old son has been talking strange, which he has never done. One day we were on the porch and he said he saw a boy walking down the road(I believe he meant the driveway). My sis asked him to show her where he was. He walked her to the spot, said the boy was pointing at him, etc. Then he asked where the boy went. A few days later I was leaving their house at night and as I pulled from the drive he asked "Are you gonna talk to the man?" I asked what man and he said "the man in the car"! He added that he was in the road, and something about a wreck. He doesnt watch scary movies, nor do we talk about spirits in front of him. Do spirtis sometimes show theirselves to kids, since usually they wont remember? I'm afraid that now that they realize he can see him, they will come to him more often. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this. Also, the entire family has experienced occurences at some point in our life.