
Superstitions: Breaking a Mirror

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Today i accidentally broke a mirror in the shower. after that i had fun all day. but i normally never believe the superstitions, but for some reason i became really nervous about the 7 years of bad luck. and i cut myself shaving literally a second after i broke the mirror. Ha this is probably a stupid question but i am still a little nervous.




  1. Dont be nervous your fine!Its all in your head, that stuff isnt real so just realax, you'll be ok!Good luck!

  2. Don't worry, you probably cut yourself because you were still shaky from breaking the mirror, it's all in your head, take it from someone who has broken a lot of mirrors, there is no 7 years of bad luck.

  3. Superstition

    (Latin superstitio, literally "standing over"; derived perhaps from standing in awe;[1] used in Latin as a unreasonable or excessive belief in fear or magic, esp. foreign ideas, and thus came to mean a "cult" in the Roman empire)[2][3] is a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge. The word is often used pejoratively to refer to supposedly irrational beliefs of others, and its precise meaning is therefore subjective. It is commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings.

    To medieval scholars the word was applied to and beliefs outside of or in opposition to Christianity; today it is applied to conceptions without foundation in, or in contravention of, scientific and logical knowledge.[4] The earliest English uses of the word in the modern era refer critically to Catholic practices such as censing, rosaries, and other practices that Protestants believed went beyond - or were set up above - beliefs that seemed unfounded or primitive in the light of modern knowledge.

    Many extant superstitions are said to have originated during the plagues that swept through Europe. According to legend, during the time of a plague, Saint Gregory I the Great ordered that people say "God bless you" when somebody sneezed, to prevent the spread of the disease.[5]

  4. Well, the idea is that bad spirits are confused by their reflection in a mirror, and so become trapped.  When the mirror is broken, it releases all the bad spirits.  Two thoughts, A) the broken bits of mirror simply offer a bunch of mirrors to trap them  B) why just bad spirits?

    If anything, put a new mirror in.  You'd do that anyway, right?

  5. If it was real, those poor people in the mirror factory would be having a harder time than everyone else, and somebody would definitely have proven it by now. But, as it is, the mirror factory people break mirrors all the time, and I doubt their luck is any worse than that of the cookie factory people.

  6. don't worry

    thats not true

    why old people always tell their young ones that don't break a mirror or else u'll get bad luck for the next 10 years or 7 years

    because kids tend to pick up anything and play it right?

    so sometimes kids picked up mirror or took a mirror and play with it

    when mirror breaks,it'll definately cut them

    then the old ones will say don't break it,if u break it u'll get bad luck.

    so after kids heard it,they will put it down etc

  7. It is a myth.  I have very good luck and I break **** all the time, including mirrors

  8. Don't believe this stuff :) Accidentally cutting yourself while shaving doesn't signify anything. Usually the things that happen after are due to the fact that you're focusing/getting nervous about it so your body makes it happen unintentionally.

  9. there is a remedie if you are worried. burry the broken pieces of mirror in the ground.

  10. my friends had one of those almost bendable mirriors, i was bored and was just playing with it and....crack!

  11. Just read this, and you won't have to worry.  

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