
Superstitious, Is it good luck when a bird poops on you?

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I was in the park yesterday and decided to look up when all of the sudden I felt warmth and moisture on my forehead. I touched and it was bird p**p. Thank God my mouth was not open. Anyways, is this good luck or bad luck, since I’m quite superstitious?




  1. no luck at all.

    just kinda gross.

  2. For many years, bird f***s is considered a sign that money will be coming your way. If it landed in your mouth, I imagine you would win the lottery!

  3. I would say it is bad luck....aren't you glad cows don't fly?

  4. It's extremely lucky to have a bird p**p in your mouth. Too bad you missed your opportunity. I don't need any luck.

  5. Just be thankful cows and elephants don't fly.

    It was very lucky and unlucky at the same time, unlucky, because it could have been a flock of birds and they would have covered you.

  6. Tis good luck. Someone at school in one single day was pooped on 3 times and she had lotsa good luckz.

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