
Supervised visitations?

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My daughters father was granted 4 hours of supervised visits a week. He hasn't paid child support in two years but the judge requires that I pay for half the costs of the visits. This doesn't seem logical to me. Is there any way I can have this changed? My ex hasn't made an effort to see his daughter because he doesn't want to pay either (it would cost each of us about $200-300 a month and neither of us makes a lot of money) but I would still like to know what I can do in case he decides to see her.




  1. I would seek a modification with the courts.

    Document everything and ask the courts to modify the order so that you are not forced to cough up money for this idiot to see his own child....

    Also - take him to court to reinforce the child support order. Here in Texas, he would be up sh*t creek for nonpayment!

  2. Support is a separate issue from visitation. The Court knows that its in the childs best interest to have both parents no matter what it takes. Good for the Court. I wish that kind of thinking was the norm in my case.

  3. Each parent has the right to visit with their child regardless of support paid. Any costs that you incur to make the visitation possible you can also file a civil law suit to be compensated. But if he isn't paying support, probably blow off civil law suit as well.  

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