
Supplementing formula and breastfeeding...?

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can you supplement breastmilk and formula? I'd like to do formula most of the time but breastmilk for about 2 feedings a that ok? what times are the best to do both?




  1. Yes that's okay , you most definitely can.

  2. Exclusive breastfeeding offers benefits that mixed breast and formula feeding does not. Your plan wildly diminishes the benefits of breastmilk feeding, and adds in all the risks inherent in formula feeding. Why not just breastfeed?

    Of interest:

  3. Not a good idea.

    Why would a mother want to "do formula most of the time"?

    If you cannot give your child 100% why bother having a child?

    Breast milk and breast feeding provides your child with the very best. It also reduces your risk of breast cancer. Formula cannot match the benefits of breast feeding.

  4. You can definitely supplement formula and breastmilk.  If I were going to do just 2 breast feedings a day, I would do the morning and before bed.  But you may have to pump to be able to keep up your milk supply.  Your body might think it doesn't need to produce milk anymore because you are doing formula so much of the time.  Whatever you choose to do for your child is ok, its just a matter of figuring out a schedule that works for you.  

  5. why would you want to only breastfeed 2 times a day? breastfeeding is way easier you just put your baby to your breast and they nurse...and are happy....making a bottle takes time and then you have to put them through the misery of screaming while they wait....if you supplement while breastfeeding your milk supply will not be as good as it should be...

  6. I'm not sure if I'm understanding your question.

    Are you wanting to breastfeed twice a day and give formula for the other 6-10 feeds?  Or ar you specifically asking about bottles (say, while at work), where you could pump for two bottles and make up the rest with formula?

    If the first -- that's really not going to work.  Nursing twice a day isn't enough to stimulate or maintain a supply.  While milk supply DOES adjust to demand, there is a certain minimum level you can't go below, or you dry up.  Two feeds a day might be realistic for a 12 or 18 month old, but not a newborn.

    If you're asking about bottles at work -- you do the best you can. If you can pump for all the bottles, that's best.  If you can't pump enough, then you supplement with formula as needed.  It isn't ideal, but it's far better than letting baby go hungry.

  7. twice a day is a nice habit but complete feeding.  

  8. You need to fully establish breast feeding before you can supplement with bottles in order to reduce the risk of nipple confusion.

    Breast feeding establishment can take around six weeks.  After that you can gradually introduce a bottle.  If you do it right away, the baby will not nurse, because getting milk from the bottle is easier.

    If you want to nurse just two feedings, the morning and evening feedings would be good ... you're at your fullest in the morning and you can bond with baby before bed.

    Good luck!

  9. yes you can supplement them together and its just up to you when you want to give the breastmilk

    good luck

  10. I found that once I switched the baby over to formula, she didn't breastfeed as well. Not sure if it was the bottle (I never pumped) that she preferred or the formula . . . but she was losing weight and not nursing well, so I switched her permanently within a couple of weeks.

  11. yes there is no harm in using both breast milk and formula. Remember every bottle of formula you give is less breast milk your body will make. If you only pump and feed twice you will run out of breast milk in no time. Unless you pump every minute of the day. Then whats the point?

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