
Supplements for boxing?

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I know I have to take Vitamins, I will deff get that. I dont wanna take too much creatine because its bad for you in the long run.

I was gunna take NOX-CG3 but its all Creatine, Glutamine and Nitric Oxide. I dont want to gain too much weight I am at 137 and I wanna fight amateurs at 132, so I dont wanna blow up.

I was thinking IsoPure because it has no carbs and a lot of protein. I cant bench my body weight when I should be able to.

I box 5 times a week and do a lot of pushups, pullups, curls and abs 3 times a week. I can almost see my six pack when I flex but not normal, So What do you think is the best supplement for me?




  1. I box myself... muscle milk is great!!! It gives you alot of energy, tastes great, packed with vitamins and protein. its all I use

  2. Definitely don't take NOX or anything like that. It is a waste of money.

    I would say to take creatine BUT take it at low levels. Bodybuilders will take five grams a few times a day to blow out (maybe 20 grams). You might want to take a few grams once a day. I link an article where you can find info on creatine without gaining weight.

    I would say take whey protein after your workouts, maybe with glutamine (glutamine is just an amino acid). This will help you recover. The brand I use is Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard. It has 24g of protein per serving. I take two servings after each workout.

    Other than that, maybe try taking something with Omega-3s... like flax seed oil or fish oil. This will help you recover if you don't eat enough fish.

    Watch out for vitamins. They can cause problems for you in the long run. Doctors have always said to take them because, even if they can't do anything, they couldn't hurt... well studies are coming out that they do hurt. There are no studies showing that they are really beneficial.

    Other than that, just make sure you have a good, well balanced diet. Supplements beyond what I mentioned above aren't really necessary as long as you have a good diet.

    Also, don't worry about your ability to bench press. Bodybuilders can worry about how much they press, but there's not much benefit for boxers to bench press. Check the last link I post. The guy who runs the site is a former boxer who trains athletes and has great methods for boosting your strength and conditioning specifically FOR combat athletes (and boxers in particular).

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