
Support My point of view?

by  |  earlier

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Well, you see government's building solar energy plants, people organising campaighs to save the enviroment, but they complain about the costs....why can't the world get together for once to build and organise something to save the enviroment? For once, why not save the earth together?




  1. It's human nature to stick your head in the sand versus climbing up that hard, expensive mountain.  I don't understand why our government/world cannot band together on this.  The government should create a reality show called Sun Source and find the mad scientists living in America that can re-create solar energy in a less expensive way.  The guys are out there - they are just ignored.  

    We have cars that run on water and we won't even give those guys the time of day because it would bankrupt certain companies (while saving thousands of families from poverty).  

  2. WE   r   a   very     "SMALL"..  part  of  it!!.. (the  Earth)..

    just  like   ants!!..

    ..   as  for  your  question...    If   the  BIG  CORPORATIONS  can  make  $$$$$..  out  of  it   IT  WILL    BE  DONE..    right  now...   MUCH  MORE   $$$  is  being  MADE   DESTROYING    ..  so  thats  what  is  being  FUNDED!!

  3. i agree! we live in the same world. it's Our planet! let's save it!

  4. I dont know but I agree with you. We should take responsibility for our selves and be under one cause "ours".

  5. In theory, I agree. In practice, there are problems. The peasant in a Third World country is not likely to be interested in contributing anything. He is too busy gathering goat dung to use to cook his meager meal.

  6. yeah I think so too

    Only thing is to actually get people to do it.

  7. yea i agree, even if it costs you money now if u were to build solar panels, u would save a fortune in the end. We need to think of the environment b4 its too late

  8. i totally agree i mean its all of our fault. and the world should come together and fix it. but there is a lot of tension i guess. which i think they need to think about peace and our worlds future which is hard bc there are a lot of opinions out there about this controversial stuff. i wish ppl would start believing global warming IS in fact real.

  9. Exactly, they talk and talk, but can't do it, complaining about costs.

    But in the long run, what's more important, money, or our planet that is slowly decaying unless we do something about it.  

  10. definatly

    instead of trying to solve problems by making more problem to other countries ( same what America did to Iraq)  why this was not to help the universe,

    Instead of putting too much effort to prove wrong countries that what they do is for peace and what they want is to destroy the world...

    why because they think of money and oil and never think of consequences which will occur due to their acts on this peaceful earth without the devil.

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