
Support New Orleans residents return to New Orleans?

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I generally think we ought to support folks who face a natural disaster, but the fact that parts of New Orleans are being repopulated after being flooded in Katrina is crazy. In my view we should give residents a choice:

1. We will assist them in relocating to a safe area of the country. We will give them the equivelant of whatever benefits they would have gotten as flooded residents (including flood insurance payout) plus assistance in relocating.


2. We will pay existing flood insurance and other qualified benefit on the New Orleans property and allow them to rebuild with the understanding that they will no longer qualify for flood insurance and they will never again be given any benefit if they are flooded out again.

These folks are building in a bowl that is several feet beneath sea level and have been told that another disaster is just a matter of time. Ok. Taxpayers picked up the tab for their stupidity once. Anyone want to foot the bill again?




  1. I wholehearted agree with you, I have been  wondering why the people that have been flooded  out are going right back to where they  were, it does sound stupid but they are doing it. and Uncl Sam did send money down there and millions of the dollaars have disappeared mysteriosly, I suppose some politition has walked off with it. there is all kinds of gov. land in the country, why dont the Gov. give some of the land to the flood victums. Uncle Sam doesn't mind giving land to forieners  who come here from countries that we go to war with, so why not our own people for change.

  2. I don't understand why they cannot make New Orleans safe; Galveston was devastated in 1900, the whole town wiped out, no one had ever seen a storm like that one, but they built a huge seawall and built the city higher up so now they aren't so vulnerable; why can't they do the same with New Orleans?

  3. I say no assistance should be granted. Let them find and make their own way like the rest of americans have to.  

  4. Not one dollar of Federal money went to San Francisco when it experienced the great earthquake of...was it 1906.

    I am so sick of New Orleans and the whine, whine, whine, gimme, gimme, gimme.

    This also proves the wisdom of throwing billions of dollars to rebuild a city below sea level.  Jeez.

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