I am on my own with 2 children, the older (aged 5) has special needs. Homestart have decided I have had them for too long (even though my younger child is only 3 1/2 and my daughter is developing what seems to be behavioural problems) and they are pulling out, leaving me with no support. I fear I will crack up without that little break each week.
I have no family or other support network who can help. I really am on my own. I used social services for a while a couple of years ago and had bad experiences, really felt like they were looking for the tiniest clue to start treating me like a bad mother, I felt like I was under their microscope if you know what I mean. And the main boss was so abominable. You would never have guessed that I actually ASKED THEM for help, the way I was treated. So I really don't want to go there again.
So is there any other charitable organisation out there that might be able to help?
Thanks in advance.