
Support for families apart from Homestart and stuff via social services?

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I am on my own with 2 children, the older (aged 5) has special needs. Homestart have decided I have had them for too long (even though my younger child is only 3 1/2 and my daughter is developing what seems to be behavioural problems) and they are pulling out, leaving me with no support. I fear I will crack up without that little break each week.

I have no family or other support network who can help. I really am on my own. I used social services for a while a couple of years ago and had bad experiences, really felt like they were looking for the tiniest clue to start treating me like a bad mother, I felt like I was under their microscope if you know what I mean. And the main boss was so abominable. You would never have guessed that I actually ASKED THEM for help, the way I was treated. So I really don't want to go there again.

So is there any other charitable organisation out there that might be able to help?

Thanks in advance.




  1. hi,i do,nt know where you are living ,but there is a organisation where i live called "carer,s link,"i am in a position to use their services and they are very good and free.they cater for all circumstances.and i totally agree with your reluctance to go with social services,they are more and only interested in any situation that gives them bones to pick on,their attitude is terrible so keep them away from your family.i asked them for support and was told as there was no problems in our home, it was up to me to deal with the kids.please keep your chin up ,there are a lot of people who are in your shoes,you are not alone.check out leaflets in your GP,s surgery there will be something there to help.good luck.

  2. Hia,

    I'm sorry ur finding it difficult both with ur 5yr old and I know exactly were ur coming from with Social Services, I went to them for help 6yrs ago and they kept refusing until 2 yrs ago and now they think they are so perfect and Im just this crazy women that turning her children into demons. Unfortunately, for most services u need to be referred, and many from a social worker. But, I self-referred with many agencies, they will either look into ur situation or tell you to be referred by a proffessional, like ur health visitor or Dr.  I spend the majority of my time on the web looking for agencies that will help children, 'Sure Start' is a government run thing, they can put you onto other help also. 'NCH' are brilliant, they help individuals and families. 'Netmums'. Write to the education department asking for support. When ur on a site on the net, check out the 'links'. Go into Social Services and pick up every leaflet they have and then sieve through them. Parentlineplus is good and 'Gingerbread'. I have become a leaflet freak and I go to the top first without a referral,  alot of proffessionals are helpful, a lot aren't and then u will have to do it there way. Don't be put off though. Try NEWCIS, this is help etc for people caring for someone, you never know, if ur child has behavioural problems and they need you more attention than any other child of that age, that makes u a carer and a carer is entitled to respite care. You may have depression and need some TLC, you will find help with 'KIM project'. Be prepared for a fight though and dont take the first 'no' as gospel, keep trying.

    I wish you all the luck in the world, it's a shame when people become single parents, the enjoyment of our children goes out the window and even though we love them unconditionally they do become a chore at times, mainly because we get so knackered doing a 2 parent thing and we are only 1.


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