
Suppose I find people are sexist to me and discriminating me based on my gender as a male, what shall I do?

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  1. I Agree with Kitana

    You should cut off thier heads using a strange knife-like fan

  2. Exactly the same thing I would tell a woman...

    1.  Accurately identify the obstacle

    2.  Analyze the level of difficulty of the obstacle

    3.  Move over, around or through the obstacle

    Complaining about it does nothing - you need to solve the problem.  So work on ways to solving, rather than dwelling upon it...

  3. SPEAK UP!

  4. This is a tough one. I have been in this position several times and if you point it out most people - men and women - think you are a troublemaker.

    As you can imagine from my posts on G&WS, I have made myself pretty unpopular with many people since the day I decided that I wasn't going to let misandry go unchallenged. Don't expect standing up to feminism to help you win friends and influence people; feminism is the status quo, and people hate it when you challenge the norm.


    Btw  I am talking about my life outside G&WS of course.

  5. Discrimination can be in varied forms and depends on how adversely it impacting you.

    For instance if it is a job then fight tooth and nail.

    If it is about a false rape or sexual harrassement charge conact men's organizations in your country.Beleive me there a few cropping everywhere now.

    The media has to play a very important role in unearthing and bringing in fron of the public the myth about male superiority.

    It is now more than ever important to be very careful about the woman you choose to have a relationship with be it girlfriend or wife because laws like VAWA and DMV and the fact that they are one sided.

  6. Complain to your boss or whoever is in charge. Join a feminist group and help fight sexism.

  7. you get on with your life and dont look back.

  8. Ask a woman.

  9. You cannot do anything. If you speak up, you will be considered weak, and will ruin any chance of career advancement.

  10. You can either call them on it, saying that they offended you and you'd like an apology. Or perhaps you can even dig deeper and have a conversation with that person to find out what made them say the thing they said. Was it because you yourself said something they could have perceived to be sexist towards them?

    You can also walk away from the situation, enlightened by what happened, and choose to not be sexist in the things you say and do, and set an example for others.

    However, since you answered my question about women at the top of corporations implying that they all get to the top of a business by spreading their legs and having s*x to be successful, I'm sensing you're a little sexist yourself. Perhaps reflect on why you're that way, and then you'll be able to have a better understanding of what to do when you're treated bad because of your gender. I guess, in simplest terms, "Walk a mile in someone else's shoes".

    Edit: LOL Robert!!!

  11. To sue...

  12. Being a man your supposed to suck it up and not talk about it.

  13. Treat them like they treat you.

  14. Go to HR * human resources* and file a discrimination complaint.

  15. If you can prove systemic discrimination, report it to whichever authority applies to your situation.

  16. Do what real men do, "man up" get over it and go about your business.

  17. yeah, have you read any of your own  posts lately? you just answered in a question that women get into places of power because "they sleep their way to the top". with an attitude like that, you are likely just reaping what you sow.

  18. South American women call this "swallowing frogs".  It refers to gulping back your rage when discriminated against because of your s*x.  You could read some feminist literature to learn how to cope.

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