
Suppose i got in a car accident...?

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what is your responsibility as a driver when you come upon an accident requiring first aid procedures?




  1. Call for help.  If you are not trained in the medical field, however, you should then just get out of the way.

  2. Call 911 and stop, check out the situation and do what is necessary to ease the injured but at the same time dont move the injured unless there is a fire, you can be sued for further injuring the person, sounds stupid but it happens all the time........

  3. If you are first on the scene of a crash, your actions could help save the lives of the people involved in the crash and make it safer for other drivers coming upon the crash scene.

    Here are some things you can do to help make the crash scene safer:

    *Park your car in a safe spot, away from the crash area. *Leave plenty of space for emergency vehicles to come and go, and for emergency workers to work in.

    *Switch on your car's hazard warning lights.

    *If possible, post other people or warning triangles on all approaches to the crash site to warn oncoming drivers. The people or triangles should be about 200 metres from the crash site to give approaching drivers time to slow down.

    *If people are injured, call an ambulance as soon as possible.

    *Following a crash, some airbags may not be deployed. If you need to enter a crashed vehicle, don't place yourself between any undeployed airbag and injured or trapped person. Undeployed airbags can deploy with force some minutes after a crash and could injure both the rescuer and injured/trapped person.

    *If it is safe to do so, turn off the ignition of all vehicles involved in the crash.

    *If people have been injured in the crash, you should call an ambulance as soon as you can. Before the ambulance comes, there are some things you may be able to do to help them and some things you should be aware of.

    Basic first aid:

    Ideally, you should enrol in a recognised first aid course so you can learn techniques such as cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation under proper supervision. This will make you more confident and more capable of using first aid if you have to.

    Try not to move injured people:

    If a victim has spinal injuries, moving them may only worsen their injuries. You should never move a crash victim unless it is absolutely necessary.

    The only instances where you should move someone before medical help arrives are when the person is trapped in a vehicle that is on fire or in danger of catching fire or it is necessary to move them to:

    *give CPR

    *give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

    *stop severe bleeding.

    Stopping severe bleeding:

    If the patient is bleeding badly, you should try to stop or reduce the bleeding.

    Raise the part of the body that is bleeding. This will take some of the blood away from the wound.

    Apply pressure to the wound, preferably with thick, folded fabric, such as a towel or an item of clothing.

    hope this helped!

  4. first off, check the scene, check the victim. If you are not trained in CPR, First Aid, you call 911.  If  you are trained, call 911 and procede. Do not try to move victims from the vehicle, if they can get out themselves, assist them. Your main goal is to check the scene and the victim and stay calm to be able to give a precise picture to the 911 operator so that the ambulance and police know what to expect.

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