
Suppose that any one planet of our solar system has been vanished,what will be the next posi^n of our solar sy

by  |  earlier

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the position of every planet in our solar system is due to the effect of gravitational forces of all planets




  1. what?

  2. it may make many changes

    first let me know what is the cause that lead to destruction of that planet according to that results can be more precisely be predicted.Some of the effect from are given below to you for your project :-

    **Then it may bring change in forces acting on earth so radius of earth's orbit may increase or decrease.

    **Tides may be affected.

    **Meteors from that planet can destroy the whole planet

    **Many astrologers may do various prophecy regarding future.

    **A global discussion may begin to protect ourselves and many more worse things can happen.

  3. its nt going to change its position if the solar system vanishes!!!

    solar system with 7 planets tats all!!!

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