
Suppose that u've won a lottary of 500 million dollars,wat would u do with that money?

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Suppose that u've won a lottary of 500 million dollars,wat would u do with that money?




  1. I would get out of dept first and then with the money left over, give some to charity, and then with the rest go to my education.

  2. WOW that us a lot of money, i would have a HUGE shopping spree, buy a horse,a stable, supplies for the horse, a big house for me, my parents and sister. give each of them money to pay for taxes on the house/ bills, save for stuff in the future-horse supplies, bills, food, clothes, etc. etc.- donate a bunch and visit different places in the world with a airplane (which i have never been on beforeO-O)

  3. i would dontate some than go on a really kool shopin spree with my friends than buy a horse lol and donate alottttttttt

  4. More money than you can spend, so I would pray first and thank God, then find an accountant, then give some to a charity, and sit down and figure out what I would like to do.  And then go for it.

  5. Are you addicted to gambling.  The world says it is o.k. but is it really. THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Come to India and marry you!

  7. I'd donate some money to charity; give some money to  family (parents, grandmas); spend some money for: a bit bigger flat, another car, a trip; invest rest of money. My son is 4yo right now. It's important to think about his future, isn't it?

  8. First off I'd take a shower and change my clothes because I probably crapped my pants.

    Then I'd put 400 million in a savings account.

    Then use 100 million to take care of every single "good" person I know.

    Then cruise around the world.

    Then shop.

    Then start a business.

    Then turn it into $350 billion.

    Then feed the world.

  9. 1) Donate $100,000,000 to charity. :)

    2) Buy a new house.

    3) Buy new car.

    4) SHOP.


  10. I'd be on the first plane to Vegas where I'd be treated like ROYALTY!

  11. well ill give 100mil. to my parent another 100 for charity and another 100 to my sisters 100 each and the last 100mil for me its all spread to the world and evenly

  12. Well i would have to pay 250 million in tax ..Then i would help the poor ..

  13. put it in the bank and live off the intrest

  14. well considering that the government will take out more then half "a******s" 200 million or a little less then that is still alot of money that i'll be getting. i probably just spend it on what ever i want

  15. Sorry...I don't buy lotteries...

    I dare not dream of this happening

  16. I would save some of it, spend some, then invest the rest.

  17. i would get me acar to find a house then i would buy me a new house then i would buy new furniture and stuff after that i would buy clothes for me and whoever then i would go pay off debt then spend money uselessly

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