
Supposed to be miscarrying and still have symptoms?

by  |  earlier

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Last Tuesday, I was told I probably had a blighted ovum. I was supposed to be 14 weeks but measured 10. I go back to get the test results today, but my question is: Is it possible to have pregnancy symptoms when you have a blighted ovum. I've always had the symptoms, but last night, my b*****s started having the tender feeling they did at the beginning of my pregnancy. They were also heavier and fuller. They've been getting bigger. My abdomen, for some reason, started having the same tender feeling my b*****s got. On Thursday-Saturday, I had been having cramping that felt like I was getting my period, except it also made my back ache. On Sunday and yesterday, I had one spot of light pink after I wiped, but I also had that around 7 or 8 weeks.

I know I can ask the doctor this afternoon, but I wanted some opinions (or if someone has had this happen before, it would be a huge help). Is this just my hormones returning to their normal levels?




  1. Sorry to hear that hun.

    The early pregnancy hormones would still be in your system which would make you feel pregnant - I know it can take a while for them to clear out of your body.  My cousin had an ectopic pregnancy and suffered badly from morning sickness and all the other symptoms of early pregnancy, it was a few weeks after the operation that she started to feel like herself again.

    Are the Drs absolutely certain that you weren't carrying twins? I know someone who lost a twin early on in pregnancy and her symptoms continued because she was still pregnant with the other twin.

  2. The further along your pregnancy is, the longer it takes for your symptoms to go away.  I was still sick for a few weeks with my mid-term miscarriage.  I still had the hormones for quite sometime, and would've still tested positive for pregnancy for about a week after the miscarriage was complete.

    Prayers are with you.  Let us know how it goes.

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