
Supreme Court judges, can we get rid of some?

by Guest67138  |  earlier

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The 5 Supreme Court justices who, by giving terrorists/enemy combatants OUR civil rights, just flushed our safety down the toilet. Can they be fired?




  1. They can be impeached.  However, I don;t think Congress is going to impeach any Justices since they were simply upholding the Constitution.

    By the way, how did they affect our safety?  If they prisoners are guilty then they won't be set free.  Do murders and rapists who are US citizens get turned loose simply because they have the right of habeas corpus?  Nope.

    Get real.

  2. No, and we shouldn't. I totally agree with them. The civils rights are there to protect the innocent. Your taking the governments word that these people are not innocent ? How do you know that ? What happened to David Hicks was terrible. They basically had no evidence against him that would stand up in any court of law. So they locked him up for 7 years and denied him any access. How would you feel if this happened to you ? If these are people are guilty then surely your court system is set up to punish them adequately. Taking away anyones rights is terrible thing.

  3. Learn the law and how to deal with such combatants before you set due process on yourself with such slander and absurd accusations. Watch less FOX news and you will be just fine.

  4. No they are lifetime positions. They will not be replaced until they die or resign.

  5. Ask the men and women fighting to defend this country. They want to defend our constitution. The Great Writ has survived for a thousand years, first in English law and then in our Constitution. Now you feel it is inconvenient and want to wipe it away.

    Well sorry, but the constitution is more important than that. And one of the things it does is give us a judicial system free of interference by the government.

    The Supreme Court decided rightly to protect Habeas Corpus - and you should be thanking them for it.

    Read this: If you don't understand how important Habeas Corpus is in keeping us free.

  6. no, they are lifers

    .... what terrorists... we got no terrorists... enemy combatants.... nope, none here...have no idea what you are talking about....

  7. Lets get rid of:




    and the guy that tells us to get over the 2000 election... Scalia

  8. They don't know what the h**l their talking about the constution should not apply to those mother ****** terriosts their not on US soil nor are the US citizens so why should the constution apply to them....This myth that the liberals use to say their not gettin fair trials is pure bullshit most of those ****** terriosts don't want trials and just want to be put tot death. Further more they should be considered POWs because we are at war with the terriosts and POWs are held for a # of years till the war is over so thats how it should work.

    Last would jsut like to say to all you liberal idiots out there how is Bush a warcrinimal he has not viloated the gineval convetion nor any other treaties so stop calling him a war crinimal

  9. Any federal judge appointment is a lifetime appointment. A judge can resign, can retire, or can die while in office. They can also be impeached, as was stated above. The system of checks and balances gives the nomination process to the executive branch, and the approval/ appointment to the legislative branch.

  10. Don't count on it

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