
Sure, Global Warming is happening... but did humans cause it?

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Did we cause this to happen? Or would it have happened anyway?




  1. Yes, it does exist...did WE cause it?  Who knows??  All that matters now is that we try to prevent it before it does get worse.

    I think it is caused by cars, industrial parks...etc....

    I has been proven and shown that things are happening now that would suggest that it is there and you need to do something about it.  

    Some people say it's "the cycle" of the earth, some say WE caused it...but does it really matter now?  Artic caps are melting that have never have, weather is terrible, polar bears are dying, other animals can not live in the climate they are suspose too...what do you think????

    Life goes on no matter what...the world just needs to get smarter on how to stop it, rather than making it worse.

  2. did we cause it?

    No, we are currently in the warming trend of an Ice Age that hit its peak about 20,000 years ago and it will continue to warm for about the next 10,000 years before it turns around. Human beings are responsible for about .06 percent of the greenhouse gases added to the environment annually including cars, factories, livestock (which is responsible for less than .003 percent), etc.

    Is it happening?

    Yes, very slowly the earth will continue to warm, about eight degrees kelvin on average over the course of the next ten thousand years but after this you will get heavy evaporation and rain which will move most of the heat out of the atmosphere at which point the earth will cool again and the Ice caps will reform and cause an Icebox effect where the which Ice reflects more light and heat back into space further cooling the earth until you get another Ice age. It has happened at the minimum eight times we know of and will happen again regardless of our actions.

  3. I have seen the science of man-made global warming ripped apart piece by piece from people here, who have presented much more persuasive arguments than the ones that defend it.

    The believers are not all to blame for there ignorance, because most of them here are just school kids who have been taught to believe in this hoax. The adults should know better than to push it onto kids. Of course there are also those who makes big money pushing green products, and asking the public for large contributions to save the planet. If your on their, to do list or people who are most likely to give money”  to take money “HOLLIWOOD TYPES”, then you’re just a chump, oops sorry, you’re a good Samaritan.

    No global warming is just a big fat hoax like Al Gore.

  4. Yes, humans caused (most of) it.  No, it would not have happened anyway.

    Right now we're in a long-term cooling portion of the Earth's orbital cycles.  Solar output has either decreased slightly or increased slightly over the past 30 years (depending on which satellite dataset you believe) during which we've experienced the greatest warming.  Either way, it has been ruled out as possibly causing more than a fraction of the current warming.

    For further details, see the link below.

  5. No, the polar ice is just moving and there is more now than 30 years ago.

  6. they say its a natural cycle of the earth . earth freezes then it over heats. but i believe we are somewhat adding negative matter to make it worse and maybe even happen faster.

  7. yes humans are cause it why  it the gas and food and heat and ther cold air

  8. You'll get a lot of ignorant responses around here from people who have no understanding of science.  If you are really interested in knowing the truth about global warming, you should read what real climate scientists working for respectable scientific research organizations say about it. Here's a few links from the most respected climate research facilities in the world. They all agree it's real and we need to respond to it soon, to avoid significant problem in the future.

    NASA Global Warming Q&A:

    NOAA Global Warming FAQ

    The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Global Warming FAQs

    Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale Global Warming FAQ


    jcpnum - Funny, but I haven't seen any of what you claim to have seen around here.  How about a link to some of that "science of man-made global warming ripped apart piece by piece" action? ;-)

    Edit 2:

    As I said above, you'll get a lot of ignorant answers around here from people that have no understanding about science at all.  Visit any of the links I provided and ignore the unsupported assertions around here.

  9. This is a huge question.  You'll get so many conflicting answers!  Even though it is a scientific thing, it is largely a personal opinion, and personal interpretation of the evidence presented.  Personally, I believe that it is part of a natural cycle, but agumented to a dangerous level by human civilization, and therefore it is our moral responsibility, to do the honourable thing, and try to save the world we live in.  Even if you don't believe in global warming, look at the depleation of resourses (gas prices), environmental descructuion caused by the extraction of said resources, and air and water pollution caused by them.  It is clearly essential to switch to some alternative fuel source.

  10. Well

    I think its everyone's fault. (Humans only) I mean, we pollute the earth, pollute the air, how could this NOT happen? So if we don't stop now, all animals in the artic will drown or die because there isn't ice.  SAVE THE ANIMALS!

  11. Nah, we're not causing it.  I don't agree it's happening either.  Where on earth is there global warming caused by man?  Nobody can name a spot.  Not the Arctic or Antarctic, that's for sure.  They've cooled remarkably through no action of ours.

  12. but we HAVE changed many local environments and local climates all over the planet.

    Global warming is but a component, in a group of destructive forces at work such as ;deforestation,desertification,soil and water contamination ,irresponsible or wasteful utilization of bio resources , air pollution,Non sustainable Agriculture,over pumping carbon aquifers

    all concepts which are definitely not part of the Natural Processes of the Natural world;...


    The most prolific growth on this planet is part of the day in the mist and most of the time under clouds ,and the least growth is always directly in the sun .

    To exchange the one for the other means changing local climates

    We are exchanging Nature with Tar , concrete and open spaced mono cultures.

    In 300 years half of the planets forests have gone ,and in the last 50 years half of the wet lands ,and rain forests

    These Areas absorb heat during the day and release heat at night ,

    Cause cloud formation(shade).humidifying the air on the surface as well as releasing excess water at the roots that keep rivers flowing ,which in turn brings more water into the Environment .

    As well as contributing to absorbing carbon emissions as do the leaves of the trees together with the oceans .

    All in all many factors which directly affect the local Environment .

    The loss of the above resulting in rivers drying up ,less rain ,desertification,loss of habitat for many species and so on.

    dryer and hotter surface environments which can manifest in different weather patterns such as tornadoes or bush fires

    I may be stupid or Naive but somehow i believe that lots of these local environmental changes, can add up to affect global weather, If there are enough of them (and there are)

    And then on top of that comes the story of the effects of pollutants released into Nature and especially the Air ,by MAN

    A cocktail of events and a lot of the ingredients have MAN written all over them

    So it is safe to assume that we should look at ourselves ,for possible improvements ,and rectifying Eco errors that are with in our powers.

    What is a safer bet

    to be or not to be;...

  13. If people think we cause global warming just go kill yourself that way one less person to "cause global warming".

    Ok I will tell you how "global warming* scientist's**" work they funded by a Green agency, then all the profits that Al Gore*** makes is spilt between the "scientists".

    *Global Warming-A fake form of scaring idiots to believe it created by a Al Gore

    **Global Warming Scientists-Homeless people hired to say global warming happens

    ***Al Gore-Gender unknown, carbon footprint,  more than the US and China combined.

  14. ..."the bad habit of humans recurrs everywhere"-especially where poeple do not find solutions , now it's climate change as if it never happened at the existence of this plant.

    Hey come up off childish tracks and cease to play Tom and Jerry.All know humans are negligent but who is responsible for all this-what their trustees( politicians) did all that time or we elect nowheres to look after our interests?

  15. Glaciers around the world are shrinking, I wish that we were responsible for it because if we did,  we can undo it.

    I will be more concerned to learn that  the warming of the planet is not caused by industrialization.

  16. we messed up the whole system on earth. and yes we are causing it because of the overproduction we are doing and over using our resources, we over use our drinking water, cut down all the trees oh and when we have no more trees or resources, we go to other 3rd world countries and ruin there system. and all the polution. the polution is the worst just look at antartica. global warming literally means what its name means, the seasons come later like winter and summer, weather disasters are more often, if we dont step up and try to at least make a few simple changes in our lifestyle, global warming is going to get worse and worse and trust me its coming fast and i think people are being ignorant about it because they dont know enough about it and dont care because they think its not going to happen in our lifetime.

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