
Surely Robinson has to fall on his sword now????

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Surely Robinson has to fall on his sword now????




  1. is that really the answer, it seems to me england are in the same position as many teams find themselves, with all their players either retiring or injured, surely robinson cannot be blamed for this. He has proved his worth by taking the team to a world cup and winning. I say give him another season and see what hppens. especially if it gives wales a chance of the six nations.

  2. Could not agree more. Jump now rather than get pushed and lose all credability for a future career as a coach.

  3. Definitely-last weeks result bought him time to possibly prove us wrong but today underlines the fact that we need a change now if we are to rectify things before the world cup,if not the six nations.

  4. as a taffy, keep him there:)

    as a British rugger supporter, get rid now! ASAP!

  5. Like in true British tradition someone has got to be blamed for there poor performance.

  6. yes e shud be e is the biggest ****** in the world and e shud never bin appointed BRING BAK SIR CLIVE WOODWARD

  7. Yeah, monkey man has to go!

  8. Yep, and even as a Tigers Fan I have to say so does Corry!

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