
Surf and Full Moon?

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Will a full moon give better waves such as bigger or smaller weak ones ?




  1. I am not sure that the full moon will effect the strength of the waves, but what is likely to happen is that the surf will break in a different place because of the difference in tides. A full moon is generally associated with more drastic (higher high tides and lower low tides) tides. These drastic tides mean that the surf may be likely to break in a different place than it would normally, which often means you may find some surfable waves.

    Essentially, what is happening is that you are getting water depths that are different to the norm - during the full moon high tide there may be water over sand that is normally dry and during a full moon low tide you may have surf over an area of the ocean floor that normally has too much depth to have breaking waves.

    Now........go surf!

  2. the moon afects the sea

    in a full moon night the waves are

    better ( I think so) 'Cause I try it

  3. I wouldn't think so. The moon affects the tides which could affect how the waves break. But i don't think it affects the wave size

    The Surfboard Man

  4. im pretty sure it wont effect the wave but will effect the tides.

    which good make the wave beack differantly

  5. if it is night where u r then u get higher waves and tide, the opposite is true if it is day time

  6. There are a dozen different factors that dictate how well the waves will break at a certain location.

    The size of the swell, the period of the swell, wave length and amplitude, wind direction, wind speed, bottom features (steep slope, gradual slope, sandy, rocky, coarl reef....) and TIDE (how much water there is over thsoe bottiom features) all make a difference. There are thousand of 'high tide breaks', where the waves are best a high tide. However, some reef breaks or breaks over sandbars, are best at low tide (too much water means that the waves won't 'break').

    Since the tides are somewhat effected by the phases of the moon, then you could say that the the moon has some effect on waves. But it is so remote, that it is not worth considering. Full moon on a a rising tide with a northeaster blowing can mean big trouble if you are on the coast of the northeast US.
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