
Surf question?

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In terms of surfing, what are the differences between short boarders, long boarders and body boarders?




  1. Shortboards are generally for speed and manuverability, on small to medium sized waves. Depending on your height/ weight, the board can range anywhere from about 5'6 to 6'4, average. I'm 5'11 and 148 pounds, and I have 5'9 and 6'0 shortboards. Usually, if the waves are bigger, one will use a larger shortboard, if they are anywhere over about 15 feet. Longboards, you can ride just about any wave with, and is usually a starting point for beginners. They are mostly thicker and are not made for versatility. As for the people who ride each board, there is really no difference, in fact, many surfers have both types, if they can afford it (which we usually can't, and thats where sponsers come in). But when its 2 feet and blownout, I just paddle out on a longboard; there wouldn't be much to do with a shortboard. As for bodyboarders, I don't know much about them, but we (surfers) generally despise them for being jerks and trying to steal our waves.

  2. Nice description from the previous post.  Some additional info.  bodyboarders typically ride on foam "boogie" boards and usually ride them prone.  They also use fins to help kick into a wave.
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