
Surface of hooves are mushy?

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I noticed this week that the outside layer of my horse's hooves from the coronet band down about an inch is damp feeling and if I rub it with my finger, it rolls off like dead skin. This only seems to affect the outermost layer, but as I haven't ever seen anything like it, it does worry me a bit. He is not in any kind of wet conditions at all. The hoof looks healthy underneath the peely stuff, but I'm not sure this is healthy. He was very underweight when we got him in April, but he is close to a healthy weight now and getting supplements. Could this be normal as he returns to health or do I have a problem?




  1. It's called the periople and it sometimes will peel if the hoof gets wet and then is normal.  It is a layer of tissue that extends down about an inch from the coronary can feel waxy at times.  You can sand it if it bothers you, but I'd leave it serves a protective function.

  2. i would call your farrier tomorrow and see what they think. perhaps see if they can come out tomorrow to see it for themselves..

  3. My first horse had that and he was fine. Not the best hooves in the world but nothing devastating either. Next time your farrier comes out to do your horse's feet ask him/her about it.

    Supplements are a waste of money, just so you know. If you aren't feeding the nutrients in the proper combinations and balances you're just making expensive manure unless your horse is severely malnourished. Be careful with any kind of hoof dressing as this could make the problem worse.

  4. A horse sheds his frog a couple times a year, this might effect other parts of some horses hooves. Do you bathe him often? I would try a farriers friend supplement and adding some corn oil to his feed. I would only start to worry if he shows any signs of lameness or if the hoof is growing differently than normal. Be sure (if you keep him in a stall any time) that there are enough shavings, too much is better than too little. This will keep the moisture and ammonia down. Where do you live? What kind of soil is the horse kept on and what do you feed? There might be some minerals missing in his diet.

  5. I don't think it is anything to really worry about.  It is probably just some dead hoof that can easily be trimmed off.  Have your farrier look at it, just to be safe.

  6. DONT RUB IT OFF!!! its toe jam and horses need it, i thought the same thing when that happened to my draft and a speciallist said its toe jam and the horse needs it, let it be!

  7. EXACT same thing happen to me.

    i think its from the sugars in the grass tht kinda soffens the top of the hoof. but dont worry. its nothing to worry about. it goes least mine did..

  8. i would say try tough stuff but its not supposed to go on the coronet band. You could try it though if your vet thinks its ok.

  9. hooves are made up of several different structures and what you are talking about is called the "periople"and is basicly new growth of the hoof and extends about 3/4 of an inch down from the coronet is usually rubbed off by walking in grass,sand and other things .this controls the amount of moisture that is kept in the sounds like it is coming in fine thru good nutrition and shouldnt be anything to worry about.

    edit:the "periople"is covered by a slightly rubbery covering that will rub off naturally.this just means the hoof has enough moisture to promote a healthy cornified structure and is doing what it is designed to do.

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