
Surfboard Art?

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I have a board to spare. What do you think would be a good phrase or sentance to spray into the bottom of my board?




  1. I spray painted a Bob Marley phrase on one of my boards, and then all around the phrase I spray painted a story (through pictures) to go around it. It looks pretty rad.

  2. Spray paint WILL NOT ruin your board.  If you put a ton of it on and you end with drips and stuff it may have a small affect on performance but you can sand it down to get rid of them.  Don't ask someone else what to put on your board, put what you want.

    You can make cool designs by putting tape on before you spray (peel it before the paint dries) or by drizzling dish washing  soap on.  The areas where the soap is won't hold paint.  When the other areas dry just take a hose and wash the soap off.  Tadaaa...reverse splatter!

  3. Spray painting your board will do more harm than good. If you want something to add to the bottom of the board,

    makes great graphics in multiple colors. Anything custom too. I've used him to make custom graphics for several of the bottom of my boards. I also like the 'Tribal' collection he has. They last for years, look great, and don't s***w up my boards. Since they are easily removed, the graphics don't effect the resale value of my boards.

  4. Don't do it, it will completely reck your board if you spray paint on it.

    The Surfboard Man

  5. "Lifes a b**** so slap it!"

    lol idk why not just do your favorite song lyrics?

  6. nothing. if you are asking that question on Yahoo, the phrase wont mean that much to you, then in a couple of months you'll get over it and wish you could erase it. i worked at a surf shop for a few years before i graduated college and tons of people would come in and ask how to get paint and c**p off their boards.
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