
Surfboard dings?

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I just got my brand new shiny custom surfboard. I did a couple of practice pop ups on it and am now noticing small dents and dimples where my hand and feet were.

Is this normal or is my board poorly made?

Would it do this in the water or have I ruined my board?





  1. Thats the same thing that happened to me but its just pressure dings. Nothing you can do about it.. I know it sucks b/c it makes the board look ugly.

  2. that happens to my bboard to expecially if its fiberglass my opinion they shouldnt ding that easily  but i guess thats the way that they were made all it is, is pressure dings and they can be fixed eather you could learn how to do it (recommended because it happens a lot) or bring it to your local surf shop

  3. nope

    there preassure dings

  4. why do you answer (pressure dings) if it has already been answered twice little own 5 times?

  5. totally normal happens to almost everyboard don't worry. I wouldn't go into a shop and get it fixed because it's not worth the money because it will not effect how the board surfs.

  6. Pressure dings...get use to them.  No big deal unless the glass is cracked and water is seaping in.

  7. just pressure dings

  8. pressure dings man rok on

  9. They're just pressure dings.  Every "foam and resin" board will get them, its fine.  If you want to reduce the pressure dings near the tail get a traction pad, DaKine and Komunity Project make good ones, and you'll get better grip on your back foot.  You will still get some in the water.  Take it out  in the water asap, you will learn better there anyway.

  10. yeahh pressure dings, almost every single board will get them over time, im guessing you have a shortboard? well try getting a stomp pad and put it near the tail and that should reduce the pressure ding in the tail.

    have fun:) and good luck

  11. Those little pressure dings are pretty normal, it comes from the pressure points created by (usually) your feet.  I have been surfing for over 40 years, and every board I ever owned ended up with at least a couple. However, if your board is 'brand new', I don't think I ever noticed them showing up that fast.

    How thick is the glass on your deck? Most of my boards have had double six ounce glass cloth on the deck. It still doesn't prevent pressure dings, but, like I said, I don't recall them ever showing up that fast.  You said you did some 'practice' pop-ups. They weren't on dry land were they? That could explain them a little bit easier, because of the force of compression.

    Unless they have a visible 'spider web' of cracks around them, they usually don't pass water, and are mostly a cosmetic problem, as far as I know.
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