
Surfer Guys- how can a surfer girl catch your eye?

by Guest59659  |  earlier

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What can a surfer girl do or say to you out in the lineup as well as on the beach to really catch your eye?

-besides shred more than you, which most of the time works :)




  1. act like you dont give a c**p. chicks that "try" to fit in out in the line up get NO respect where i'm from.

  2. Snake me, then smile

  3. just been in the line up with a smile on ur face or just drop in on the bloke u like and start up a conversation

  4. i've had girls follow me in the lineup... but then these were kinda touristy spots and during the summer. the first girl got stuck in the rip current, and the other one asked me if i was catching waves on my shortboard at the reef break hahaha.

    wear your bikini and act helpless, haha.

  5. Just smile, say "hi," and don't act like you don't know what you are doing or act overly femenine.  Behaving like you know what you are doing works best.  Acting to get attention and flirting will turn guys off.  On land maybe, but in the water, absolutely not.

  6. Hey, surfer girl, I'm 55, all you have to do to catch my eye is be there. But if you are in the water some day, and an old fat guy paddles over and flirts, don't worry, I'm harmless.

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