
Surfin with my son.......?

by  |  earlier

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me and my son hav been at the beach(galveston) and learning to surf...very small waves, under 5ft with most 2 to 3...i know its lame, but its helpin us learn. Problem...i think i need to get a bigger board for my son.... i am using one close to 7ft(im 5'11") and he is usin one that is 5ft...he is 4'6"...he is havin a lil trouble even though he is excellent skateboarder...does he need a bigger board???what size...could it be the small waves??? going to Cali next summer and need tips> thanks.




  1. i dont babe but surfin sounds fun in general im sure if u by a bigger board he will be fine wit dat mwah

  2. Yes, it is too small.

    Try something around 7', and rounded. They call it a fun board.

    Skating may help with your coordination when riding a wave, but there are many more aspects surfing, such as catching the wave. A bigger board will help with that.

  3. ask him

  4. Much bigger I'd get him an 8 ft one. And 2 to 3 ft waves are not that small. The bigger the board the more floatation and the easier to catch waves and balance. also Id get him a soft board not a hard one.

  5. Galveston is notorious for having poor surf conditions, so it ends up requiring an advanced rider to pick off decent waves in the mix of most of the poor waves coming in.  for an adult, typically you may want to use a longboard 8'6" plus, to handle the majority of the small waves coming in.  Surfboards are like golf clubs.  Your son will probably need a 7'6" to an 8'0" in order to pick off some of the waves coming in.  However once you go to Cali, he may be just fine on the board he is currently trying to use, since the wave heigth and quality is vastly different  I live in Hawaii, and I am from Houston, so I understand the difference between the quality of waves.  Once you go to Cali, your son may end up realizing through experience, that one board will be good for Cali, while a longer and wider board may be better for Gavleston.  Some of the boards I ride here in Hawaii, I would never try to ride in The Gulf simply because ofthe quality and size of the waves I am trying to paddle into.

  6. Small waves + small surf boards = problems catching waves.  Even though he is small a board that small still need to have some wave face to work with.  I would go longer and maybe look at other shapes.  Fish work well in small surf as do eggs and discs.  Ask you local shop for some guidance.  He could probably still ride the short board for when you guys get some good swell.

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