
Surfing Girl?

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What do i have to work on to become a good surfer.

How much would a board cost ?




  1. i am 15 and i have been surfing since i was 6 i started of using a body board and then when i was about 9 i started to stand up on them. so my dad brought me my own surf board and surf suite this cost around £200 since then i have had a one to one surf lesson with a pro surfer and hope to travel to Hawaii, Australia and California to surf there.

    you should try to work on your front crawl as you would use that action/ technique when paddling out to the waves. try to get a surfing lesson. you could pick a board up for £100 or get a second hand board. BUT it depends on your height as there are a wide range of surf boards--- a short board, long board, fish tail etc ....

  2. work on your paddling and your pop ups.

    for paddleing ARCH YOUR BACK, dont just lay flat on the then board. then take long deep strokes.

    for pop ups go on some websites and practice, practice, practice, and  practice

  3. For some reason, it seems like somebody asks this same question every couple days!

    I spent almost all of my teen years, swimming, sailing, surfing, scuba diving and fishing. I even surfed in different places the Navy sent me, when it was possible.

    Surfing is an ocean sport, to do it right, you have to be at home in the ocean, with its currents, rips, undertows and sometimes big waves. I don't just mean being good at swimming in a pool, the ocean can be very unforgiving. I have seen lots of really good pool swimmers have to get rescued. You have to learn surf etiquette (so the experienced surfers in the line up don't want to drown you), how to paddle and take off on a wave, and how to ride a wave.

    Lessons are usually the best way to start, unless you are an adolescent or young adult with lots of pals who surf who can teach you. Go to a real surf shop. The folks there can hook you up with lessons, and even rent you a board to learn on. (and, it's going to be either a longboard or a funboard [mini-mal]) Just work on your basics, and after you feel good, think about buying a board, but don't rush into anything. And, please don't waste your time (or money) buying something on line.

    Be careful of what you read here on line. There are lots of really well meaning young folks who have neat answers about surfing, but at 55, I tend to classify anyone under 25 as a kid. After I found this site, I figured that I could answer a few questions, and spread the 'good news' of surfing. After you learn to swim and master the ocean, get your REAL advice from a surf shop, where industry professionals earn their rent money selling surfboards. However, if they think you are just a 'kook' tourist out to rent a board, you won't necessarily get the best attention.

    Most people learn best on long boards, although I have seen lots of surfers start on a short board and master it. In the long run, there are NO RULES on what type of board you haven to learn on. Long boards are ideal for learners. There are also good internediate length boards to learn on, funshapes, mini-mals and some hybrids.

    THE REAL BOTTOM LINE IS: Go to a Surf Shop, not a computer. The pros there can give you the right answers!!

    Good luck. Once you try surfing (and learn the 'right way') you'll have fun for life.

    Take the time to check out the links, especially surfingforlife.

  4. I learned to surf in Lahaina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL, sorry. Take a couple of advanced/ intermediate lessons i guess. I'm really not to sure. But a good thing to do would be to go to a surf shop, and talk to someone who works there. They would definatly know. You should work on paddling, and getting up quickly, without falling. Start on the smaller waves in shallower water, and then as you get better, progress to slighty bigger waves. etc.

  5. Understand the ocean first and foremost. I think surfers who have been surfing most their life take this aspect for granted and forget sometimes how tricky the ocean can be.

    Learn to walk before you run. That is, catch a wave before you stand up. Play in the surf, ride a body board, body surf, ocean swim. Remember, if you lose your board you will be swimming in the ocean. You need to be very comfortable with that.

    Ask questions. Historically surfing has this pecking order thing going. It is good and bad. Lots of folks are very helpful though. Learn to avoid grouchy surfers. If you stay out of their way, everyone is better off.

    Take a lesson from a respected organization and learn about equipment. Rent before you buy. If you are still stoked after several lessons and are progressing with the basics, then go to a board shop and get a board. Be up front with your skill level and goals and a good shop will get you on the right track.

    Lastly, be in good shape. Surfing is tons of paddling and requires a high level of agility. Train when you can't surf and you will learn quicker. Best of luck!

  6. well first your goner surf board and some good waves.

    u need to work on your padling and then maybe standing in shalow waves.

    good luck :)

  7. become a good swimmer and get some balance..a used short board can cost 100-300 dollas while you're gonna be lookin at bout' 600-1500 for a brand new short noard.  honestly though the best thing you can do to improve your surfin is surf

  8. the best thing is to hook up with a surf school and practice practice practice

  9. 20-150 bucks.

    Look for a good deal at a garage sale for a basic board.

  10. Come to Lahaina, we'll teach you how to surf.

  11. mhmm I've been surfing since I was 6 and im 15 now

    I started on my uncles longboard and he'd push me into the white water

    sooo first you need to have ur pop up down

    once you have that you can go to the water

    and you can buy a surfboard

    from anywhere from $100-600

    its ur choice

    good luck!
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