
Surfing Help?

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OK. My 11 yr old got a free board (6ft. foam/fiberglass bottom w/ 3 fins). She brought it to the beach and now can ride in the whitewash and slightly larger waves.

Are there any good sites I can check out to try and teach her the next steps to take this further? She is an excellant swimmer and loves messing around on the board and I would like to see her go as far as she wants with this.

Also what should I expect to pay for a surfing lesson for her?





  1. It sounds like she's learning well on her own. But a few lessons is always a great idea. An hour long session from a qualified instructor will be in the 40.00 range.

  2. I wouldn't even bother with lessons, because it seems like she has enough potential to learn on her own. not to mention that lessons can be rather expensive.

    Taking her to the beach a couple times a week will be great for her. She will be able to pick this sport up very soon, if she keeps practicing.

    Eventually, she will be able to move on to bigger waves on her own.

  3. Check out this website it teaches you everything you need to know about surfing.

    I would pay around $40-$60 an hour.

    The Surfboard Man

  4. srry but im scared of surfing unless i surf right in the beginning of the beach like where the water goes on the sand like yeah pce outt.

  5. Next step is to get out past the whitewash and catch them before they break.

    You can go with either private lessons or a surf camp type setting.  A surf camp might be a little to easy since she can already catch whitewater but sometimes you'll see a slightly more advance camp.  Some of the shops that offer private lessons will also do it for small groups and provide boards so if she has friends (or you) that are interested it's a good way to share the cost.

  6. Hi beachgirl,

    There is not really anything 'great' online at the moment in regards to this. I have been looking for something similar for the past 2 years. We are looking at changing this though, as discussed at the end of this post.

    In regards to lesson:-

    Ok, group lessons are not what you need, however a one on one 'coaching' lesson would be ideal. Your daughter will learn the next steps in surfing, depending on where her ability currently is, but things like duckdiving, how to look for the better waves, getting up and trimming and also they will help teach good surfing habits. Your daughter being 11 is in a good position to become a great surfer in her teens if not before with the right help.

    One on one coaching can be a little more expensive, however worth the effort. you can speak with surf schools about a one on one session. meet with the person who is taking her out in the surf. Sit back and watch.

    Good luck with it all. For future reference make sure to check out:-

    This launches end of August and will have information about technique, fitness, surf products to help improve surfing. You can keep up to date and speak the lingo with your daughter.


  7. Mel's answer is right on point. I used to give surf lessons and it seems that she is well past the point of surf lessons. Just let her keep doing it at her own pace, she'll get comfortable enough to eventually head out into the real lineup.

  8. Unless you or a close, reliable friend are surfers, who also happen to be good with children, I suggest lessons. They run around $50/hour, and there are also week long sessions & surf camps. They are a great idea,, and they take the stress off you trying to teach and parent at the same time (sometimes that gets tough).

    If we knew where you lived, we might have some local resources to recommend. Avoid on line lesson plans. They work great, if you are either an experienced surfer, or an experienced instructor, but otherwise, they leave a lot to be desired.

    Check the local surf shops for info on surf schools, camps and instructors.

    I taught my son and a handful of neices and nephews as well as some friends children, and I'm working on my grandkids now, but I have been surfing for 42 years, so it is a little easier for me. Good luck!! let her keep on surfing!
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