
Surfing: How do I do a reverse tailslide 360?

by  |  earlier

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I'm gooing to try and learn it for a contest I have august 9th, I only have probobly 2ft. waves to work with, if that and I really need a trick that can top the rest of the guys. Any tips on what I should be doing? Here's the tricks I can do now, cutback/barrel/floater/bottom/top turns/ roundhouse. Pretty much the basic stuff. Thanks for the help.




  1. Do like 10 chop hops on your wave.

  2. if you want to win a contest---get any idea of a 360 anything OUT of your mind. they dont get good points, and you will waste time and waves. stick to the basics of surfing for higher scores. good turns and cutbacks are your bread and butter. roundhouse snaps are a good way to boost a score too. a nice little floater or snap off the top at the end section of a wave should keep you in the 7's in small waves. in 2 ft waves i doubt you'll get barrels--but if the conditions change pull in as much as possible; you might make one and get a 9.5 or higher.  remember this, if those types of tricks won contests---Christian Fletcher would have been world champ for many years.....

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