
Surfing Question Learning to surf on 6'2 shortboard but it keeps floating down to the sand why?

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I tried to learn on an 8'0 longboard but was to big. Everytime I stand or try to stand on the board it floats down to the sand and than the fins stick in the sand and the board just stops why? Also if anyone in Cali around the Marina/Venice/Santa Monica area wants to trade a 6'2 shortboard for a 7'2 longboard email me at!

Thanks in advance :D




  1. One of two things

    1.  You weigh to much for the board, if its 6'2 you need to be under 180 lbs. about.

    2. The board is water logged, if somebody surfed on it when it had a ding the water gets inside and stays their.  It will stain the board yellow, and make it heavier than usual.

    Also it sounds like you might want to surf in water a little deeper, waist high at least maybe.

    Good luck!

  2. It sounds like you're trying to catch the soup on the inside..i wouldn't recommend doing that cause it's an easy way to snap your fins, especially at low tide.   get on your board and paddle outside of the surf zone.  when your catching a wave start paddling towards shore before your prospective wave even gets to you.  once the wave gets to you keep paddling like the dickens until you feel that rush and the wave starts speeding you up.  then do your pop up..i think your standing too early right now so the wave's not even taking you.  if your board sinks and hits the sand you're surfing an area that's too shallow.


  3. Sounds to me like you need help from somebody on the beach, not on-line. Get a friend to help you out, or better yet, take some lessons. You are probably starting out in water that is way too shallow, unless you just weigh a whole lot too much for that board.

    Clear your mind, and decide to start over again. Get some lessons and the instructors will rent you a board to use, the is the RIGHT SIZE for you. And they will help get into the right part of the water to catch waves. After you get a handle on surfing, then worry about buying/trading for a new surfboard.

    I have been surfing since '66, and you won't get the right answer on the computer, you need somebody in the water to evaluate what your problem is. Good luck!

  4. were there any dings in the board? if so, you can go to your local surf shop and buy surf putty to fix the dings.

    otherwise, I don't know what else to tell you  

    sorry  :(

  5. There is nothing 'wrong' with the board except that it's too short for you...

    I always recommend that beginners get a longboard, (at least 9' long), as these are the easiest to catch waves with and balance on to stand up.

    This site has a great article called 'Learn How to Surf in One Day' that I think is terrific:

    And don't forget to protect your skin from surfboard rashes and sunburns with a rash guard:

    Good luck and have fun!!  :-)

  6. I know everyone is going to tell you to start on a longboard and that you're not going to want to hear it. But it's with good reason. A 6'2" board is designed for someone who already knows the basics and more, so they can rip it out in the water. It wasn't designed to accommodate beginners. As for an 8' board being too big for you.... I doubt it. When I started surfing back when, I wasn't even five feet tall, and I used an 8'0 board. (Was a short kid, still short...) If you don't want to invest in a new board then see if one of your surfer friends would be willing to lend you an old longboard and maybe even spend an afternoon teaching you the basics... Best of luck!

    P.S. Even if an 8'0 seems heavy and big out of the water, it really won't be all that bad when you're in it. unless you get hit with it... :/

  7. Hi gg,

    In regards to your question, the reason the board is sinking is probably due to the fact it is a 6'2 high performance board. This means there is not a lot of volume in the board and will sink very easily if you do not have enough speed.

    What I would recommend is taking a 1 hour lesson with a surf school to start with. Also, if you are looking for a great learner board you should look at a softboard. You can still ride a 6'0 softboard without it sinking, and if this is too small you can get a few variations up to 7'0. Softboards wont break, you wont hurt yourself or others.

    Most surf schools use softboards for learners and they work very very well. You can rent them from most surf schools, and save yourself buying the wrong board. have a go on a few different boards and then make a decision.

    Hope that helps.


  8. Try a longer, bigger, fatter board. A longer board won't sink and will provide more stability to stand up on.

    The Surfboard Man

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