
Surfing culture? what do u think of when u think oof surfing culture? can u explain it please

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Surfing culture? what do u think of when u think oof surfing culture? can u explain it please




  1. Hey, a_evans8, You're right. It's about the waves, and fun and beauty and peace (inner peace, that world peace c**p is just a dream for teenagers). The world sucks, it can be cruel and ugly at times, but surfing can put it back together for us, even if only for an hour at time, surfing alone, or with a friendly stranger. That's surf culture.

  2. exactly! Most of the actual surfers are following a pattern of an idol or a stereotype. Of course we cant let by side the real surfers that enjoy every time the get into the water. Surf in some cases is considered as a pasion and they don't know what would be of their like without surfing.

    If you really want to know what is surfing culture, I only advice to live and experience it by yourself. Take it as a challenge and please do me a favor. Have some fun!  

  3. not what it should be. the industry and the water is completely full of *******. i think surfing as a whole has lost exactly what it is that draws us into the water. it seems that young surfers just want to ride for someone--anyone--do airs, and be "the man". the better they become, the worse their attitudes are--me included (i was definately one of those kids). i can remember looking through things in the surf shops saying "d**n, i'm glad i dont pay that!", "who would buy a board for that much?", then joking the customers that didnt know anything about surfing. i have since grown up, graduated college and have a real job, but there are 10 more just like that to take my place.

    even though we've shared snappy remarks to each other---i really think there aren't enough John F.'s in the water these days. if this culture was full of guys that were actually happy to surf with a stranger, it would be something totally different than it is today.  

  4. surfing culture.. it's about paddling out every morning of a swell at dawn with your bud's you've been surfin with for years, and afterwards hangin out till we wanna paddle back out.. it's toughing it out when they're aren't any waves(now i don't say without complaints) it's about surfing every board no matter what the length.. simply because just like every wave is different it is surfed differently with a different board


  5. i guess different places have differnt cultures.

    im from australia and where i surf everyone is happy to be in the water and wont beat each other up if you drop in on some1.

    i gues the culture dosent make a surfer what they are the surfer make them who they are like me im a chilled out guy and im the same in the water but some people are a******s and they take that with them in the water.

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